Marlboro Smooth
Approval Rate: 70%
Reviews 0
by daendres
Wed Feb 03 2010Very good for a menthol. They're kind of like candy to me... good only every once in a while. Luckily, I have a friend who smokes them daily, so I can just bum one whenever I'm in the mood. Would've rated them higher if I could stand smoking more than a couple in a day.
by lightningpo
Tue Jan 12 2010I am a variety smoker. I do not smoke tons and tons, but usually about a half pack per day. I like Marlboro smooths as kind of a "treat" cigarette, as they get old. It is simply to compare these to some kind of a really good mint candy (which means that someday, thanks to big brother, these will be gone). A few wont hurt, but if you eat the entire box, you get sick. These cigarettes are a nice trade-off when marlboro menthol plain gets old for me. I'll smoke one or 2 of these and then go to Marlboro Medium or Marlboro Special Blend (Yes, I know, they started making them again, yay!). Stinkiness - 5.5/10 (about like all marlboro, but this particular blend does not linger as others do.) Flavor / Taste - 9.5/10 (they are good for an occasional, but can get old) Strength 6.5/10 (which is just about the right strength, actually. Reds being an 8.5, special blend being a 9.5) Harshness/Invasiveness to lungs 4/10 (1 being ultra lights and 10 being a cigar) Overall 8/10. They would be a per... Read more
by nth15f2d
Sun Nov 22 2009THE BEST CIGARETTE IN THE WORLD....But there really close to Newport shorts
by stealysteve
Mon Sep 14 2009these are great, but its not the kind of cigarette id have all the time, theyre nice to have on occassion
by suthrnsftblgrl
Wed Sep 02 2009i never smoked anything but marlboro menthol lights. then i decided to try a pack of these, and now i can barely stand a menthol cigarette anymore. i really did not smoke for 2 days after i smoked a half a pack of these. they made me sick. now i simply smoke marlboro lights. they get disgusting after 2 or 3.
by cancerstixrock
Wed Aug 26 2009they taste like candy cane! no joke! and are awesome the first three but then the taste gits old and after like 3 days they really are nasty. try a new port or then new malb 54's
by bendeezy9737
Sat Aug 15 2009the first cig i ever did smoke. not gonna pretty good every once in a while. especially when your piss drunk. all around a good every now and then cig.
by rioteric
Wed Aug 12 2009i'd consider these more of a "treat" cigarette. i'll smoke one once in a while but after smoking a pack my throat gets irritated from how sweet they are.
by robert_l
Fri Aug 07 2009By far my favorite menthol. But overall, not that great. It is pretty nice to smoke these but they do get old quickly.
by pcpeter774
Wed Jul 22 2009Gross. Tastes like smoking a candycane.
by blueeyessrs
Mon Jul 20 2009I LOVE these!!!! I don't think they taste too much like a candy cane, but I do think they taste like an Andes chocolate mint! They aren't too strong, they are just right! I started out smoking Virginia Slim Menthols then I tried one of these one day and I've been smoking them ever since. And as an added bonus, I find them oftenly on sale in the 2 pack deals, and saving money and getting an amazing cigarette is Awesome!!! I will smoke these until they quit making them, and when that happens.... I will quit smoking, cause I have had to buy other cigarettes when the store is out of my smooths and nothing compares, not even the kinds I smoked before I tried Marlboro Smooth!
by tmangra
Wed Jun 17 2009The only thing that could be better than this is MENTHOL MARIJUANA,<~~ hmmmmm, good idea for phillip morris.
by lynwhitmyer
Thu Apr 23 2009I've been smoking these since they came out and will not smoke anything else. I hope they never get rid of these. I've always have been a marlboro girl and it will stay that way until i quite.
by genuinewhitebo_yy
Sun Apr 12 2009junk if u wanna take a candy candy brake one up and roll it up horrible
by und3rag3dipp3r_lulz
Mon Mar 16 2009I've smoked these a couple times in the past 4 or 5 months. They were pretty good considering I'm not all into Menthol... but I do choose these over Newports so Marlboro did do a good job in competing against Newports. They smell great when you first open up the pack. The only thing I don't like about these is that I'll smoke the pack in 3 days or so and then be sick of them.... that's the only problem I have. They are also horrible when stale, like I can't even smoke it when they're stale so I've wasted a bunch of smooths.
by lauralou831
Sat Mar 07 2009My favorite cigs. I started smoking Camel Lights at like 12, then I went on to reds at 15 at 17, I switched to Newports. I said that I would smoke Newports until I coughed up blood. I switched to Marb Smooths about 5 or 6 moths ago, and I won't stop smoking these until they stop selling them. lol. They make my high better after smoking [yes i'm a pothead, too] I'm 18 now, and I'l smoke these until I quit.
by zaevodnik
Sun Feb 08 2009I was on Marlboro Smooths from the time I started smoking until they started making my glands swell up. At first, I thought that it was just the cold weather, so I quit for a few days and the swelling went down, and a week later, my glands were swollen again and incredibly painful. I went online and saw that other people were having the same problem. Overall, I enjoyed the taste of them, but they are just REALLY effin bad for your throat. I switched to Camel No. 9 Menthe and I've never had any problems with them, a nice alternative.
by jgmoney
Tue Feb 03 2009I've always been a big Reds guy, but one day at work a friend swapped me one of these for a Red and I loved it! I have never been very big on menthols, and I still smoke mostly Reds, but for an occasional treat you just can't beat these, (unless you have a Black and Mild Cream, then you can). I don't smoke them that often, but I love the smooth refreshing taste. Now that they are in 100's though, I do get them more often.
by bangwoo
Thu Jan 29 2009i started smoking at age 16. and ive try so many newport, cool, camel, etc. but it wasnt until i was hanging with some friends that one of them gave me a marlboro smooth. than i loved it. ive had marlboro red and lights beforeand hate them both. right after i was done smoking the smooth. i make someone go buy my 5 packs. (because i was 17 at the time) im about to be 18 in a few month and now the only cig i smoke is marlboro smooth. if they stop selling this cig id probably quit smoking.
by urethralicker
Mon Jan 05 2009Doesn't taste like a candy cane at all in my opinion. It just taste like a super strong menthol with a different type mint taste. They are so strong every time I took a drag and inhaled it felt kind of weird in the back of my throat. I don't know how to describe it but it's like putting ice in the back of your throat. These are certainly not for me, but for people who like minty menthol cigs. I will tell you that they are alright for a quick cig though.
by kjhjkhk
Fri Jan 02 2009ewwww these are grose 27s% are better
by jrichardma
Wed Dec 31 2008I'm all set with the candy cane taste...
by wides2777
Tue Dec 23 2008the hit is good and smooth. they have a unique taste, and i think are better than marlboro menthol.
by thriftandfury
Sun Dec 14 2008These are great to smoke every once and a while. I usually smoke regular Marlboros, but occasionally I will pick a pack of these up. Their taste is extremely unique and the smokes are interestingly strong. I will buy again from time to time, but I am not normally a menthol smoker, so I will continue to only smoke them occasionally.
by ilovetobacco93
Sun Dec 14 2008i used to love these but then i got sick of em. i smoke marlboro menthols now
by saltyjax
Sat Dec 06 2008Look, we all know that smoking causes cancer and other health problems, but, (since I'm an addict) these cigs are a specific brand I've chose to help me quit. I enjoy the overall taste, but not enough to use every day.
by michaelmills1
Tue Nov 25 2008i love the taste. they r just great and i woudn't go back to anything else. clearly the best out there that i've ever had out of any menthol or regulars alike.
by christian412te_ed
Thu Nov 20 2008I LOVE MARLBORO SMOOTH!!! It's all that I smoke. I have been smoking them sence they came out and I refuse to smoke anything else.
by dave420
Wed Nov 19 2008the box looks cool. and the taste is as well. these foos are the best stoogies i smoked wit menthol. smooth as a muthafukker. taste great. i get em for $4 a smoke shop. they blend so good, wen i smoke a joint after the sideeffects i smoke one of these fukkers and it elevates ma high. im only 18. :)
by jenou7d7
Tue Nov 18 2008I feel this cigarette to be one of the best menthols to date. The tobacco quality is high for a marlboro and the minty taste is very unique compared to a newport or a standard marlboro menthol. Its almost like toothpaste, or a breath mint, which I find very nice. However the aftertaste about 5 minutes after smoking is near unbearable without a beverage. A 4/5.
by ekul75a6
Thu Oct 23 2008Tastes like a badly burnt Andes Mint. They smell nice in the pack and I thought they would be good. Then I smoked one. Never again.
by enviousfate
Tue Oct 21 2008GoinDownSlow... on all of the prick non smokers hating on people that smokes' cocks.
by islandman
Sat Oct 18 2008WOW! What A Taste!
by ohimserious
Thu Oct 09 2008they taste like candy! but no fat is involved. i am in love.
by stedlund
Tue Sep 23 2008sick sh#@
by cnvaldez
Wed Sep 10 2008My favorite Menthol, the taste just sucks you in... If you don't like menthol this is the one to try, it's not too harsh yet it has just enough taste.
by allstar87
Tue Sep 09 2008i tried these once and will never buy them again. this is seriously one of the worst cigarettes i ever smoked. imagine lighting up a candy cane and smoking it. this is no different.
by jderidder
Sun Aug 24 2008I found that smooths are good If you smoke a few packs then smoke a pack of reds or non marlboro menthol then go back to smooths and the taste will be great again. Try kool XL's
by st0n3b0n3
Wed Aug 13 2008I like them a lot but I recommend you use a bic lighter, not any cheap $1.00 lighters. It will seriously make it tasted horrible and make you never want to smoke them again, BUT use a bic and you will be ridin "smooooooooooooooth".
by xsmokers
Tue Aug 12 2008I like minty cigarettes, at first I smoked Menthols but then they started to hurt my throat, then I switched to Menthol Smooths, the were pretty good the first week I smoked them, but after a while, It didn't have that minty taste anymore.
by jexxie
Sun Jul 27 2008No cigarette is amazing in my opinion. I think they all taste like ass and make me want to gargle a carton of listerine every five minutes.
by collbby
Tue Jul 22 2008these are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing. i cant take smoking anything else besides reds. it makes me gag to smoke anything else. i love them!!
by gbone1
Mon Jul 21 2008I liked them at first but they get old quick...if im left with these i smoke them but they are rough on ur throat sometimes
by wayne007
Sun Jul 13 2008the slight chocolate taste IS appetizing, but it's now worth a sore throat. if i smoke these too often they cause horrible jaw pain and it makes me feel miserable. yes i like the taste, but i do not recommend them. just smoke newports.
by gerudo666
Sat Jun 21 2008these cigs are fucking amazing. the first time i smoked one i was immediately hooked. the peppermint taste and the fleeting nicotine rush were enough to make these my prime choice. fuckin right man
by jamesturnermus_ic
Wed May 28 2008At one time I loved these, but they easy to get "sick of." I had a pack a few weeks ago and will never pick em up again.
by babykrys
Fri May 02 2008completely love them. at first i like them then i hated them and only smoked newports then this guy ive been dating was smoking them, got me hooked and i cannot look at another cigg. there amazing =]
by locke2k08
Thu Apr 24 2008amazing smokes been smoking them for over a year and no other smoke competes with the smooth taste and menthol
by meanone
Fri Apr 18 2008these might just be the most disgusting ciggarette i have ever tasted. way to minty. tastes almost like candy. i leave these for the 14 year old girls. plus these leave a quite nasty aftertaste. and make my throat swell. very disgusting.