Reliaable Developers

Approval Rate: 62%

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    Sat Jan 29 2011

    Hi All, Well I'm a site owner in Reliaable Lakevista, and I'm really shocked that such an incident really happened, I wasn't aware and probably never hit this link to read this discussion thread. Frankly speaking I haven't faced severe issues with these guys, probably because I'm a local guy and I had little experience with land purchase deals. By the way I saw these guys cheating a customer in front of my eyes, this was the time when land registration was happening, the fact is that the another customer who was registering his land was not BDA converted (or not released under 60% and falls under 40% release order), means "Katha number wont' be allocated" for such sites until BDA completely approves the layout. [whoever comes into this category, awake and ask them] I'm still not sure whether all sites have been approved or not!! [But I'm damn sure that these guys might have already sold all the sites] Today, after a long time I see all of a sudden there is slight improvement w.r.t ... Read more

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    Fri Jan 29 2010

    I am a woods layout plot owner. I would hate to rate this layout low in fear of loosing my plot's worth. But enough is enough. RELIAABLE DEVELOPERS are the worst kind of CHEATS. They have not delivered on any of the amenities they had mentioned would be made avialble in the layout. Woods layout is in shambles. Leaking water connection when they work, gated community with walls broken at tens of places, power connections broken. Sewage treatment plant below required capacity and disfunctional. In short unlivable unless you make your own arrangements for every thing. And oh the club house shell built like a jailhouse and left uncompleted for more than a year(incase you are thinking this will ever get done think again), The swimming pool, my apartment kiddies pool is twice the size of this pathetic excuse for a pool. If you are still buying a reliaable property, please don;t forget to ask them about the free and automatic membership to the club of biggest fools. All these people ope... Read more

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    Thu Jan 28 2010

    comments on RD---- They are unreliable for sure. Reliaable Lakedew Residency Layout People still do not have basic sewage treatment plant of the capacity that was required for 300 sites and they have added more than 400 sites. Swimming pool has no water connection, no bath room or water treatment plant. not even permanent electricity for 7 yrs in club house. RD has left residents on god's mercy to manage the complete layout and pay huge street light bills even though it is handed over to BDA and then to BBMP. because RD is not giving papers to Lakedew association (LROA)for handover. RD has illegally added 2 layout silveroak, and vista. i believe they are promising lakedew club and amenities to be for silveroak and vista also which is not correct as per BDA handover documents. Rd has also beaten many residents and siteowners when they raised the concerns to BDA or BBMP. u can google abt RD or talk to Lakedew Residency residents. price of sites have gone down and no one wants to buil... Read more

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    Fri Mar 13 2009

    The information above is blown out of proportion ....................... I am active member and one among the working commitee, there are bunch of cowards and non helping hands in the layout to come forward in maintaining the layout. As we have been circulating the e-mail and even notice in the club house and in front of the gate to pay maintainance to the association to maintain the layout. I have been staying in the layout since 3 years and since then Reliaable is the one maintainaning the layout paying for electricityt ,security , water and other charges and only 1/4 of the owners have contributed in this. And later they proposed to take over layout and had couple of meetings with them to handover , BUt nightmare was there were only few people attended the meeting and numbers reduced and left with only few people who really wanted to goahead and maintain the layout , and make goog palce to stay. But there were few residents who didnt want to pay money ,wanted to enjoy the fac... Read more

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    Thu Feb 26 2009

    real bastards, i am one of the cheated site owners

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    Thu Feb 12 2009

    I am still the site owner and was a fan of Reliaable developers director untill i saw older director along with some goonda beating up this residents. I have paid for site 5+ yrs back and as per agreement development was to complete by Dec 2005. If i have to wait till now 2009 for amenities then i can't rate a developer as good. after complain from 30 odd siteowners BDA EE, AEE agreed and came to layout but BDA AEE Mr. Vinay prompted, said, called and started blaiming this beaten person for complaining to BDA and saying everything is complete. during beating process this BDA person disappeared. Above story is true and all site owners had enough wait and will go to consumer court since BDA officer is taking side of developer. this is 3rd incident of threating that resulted in beating up someone in Lakedew residency layout. not sure if anyone would like to get beaten up like this for raising the complain to authority , list their name to website like this and i am sure they can't liv... Read more

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    Sat Jan 24 2009

    Here is the latest news about these GOONS..... The owner of Reliaable developers along with few staffs attacked on one of the residents of Reliaable LakeDew Residency because he complained against them in BDA. The BDA engineer was a mole and was working Reliaable developer people only. He got this person name from the BDA office. Those people attacked this resident (owner of a plot in the layout) in front of many people with rods and big stones. He was seriously injured. He was also warned of dire consequences if he approached police or BDA. They didn't let him go to a hospital so that he can't take a medical report which required for an FIR. They took him to a nearby hospital and got him treated and then let him free after warnings. Reason- They have not completed the work in Reliaable LakeDew Residency near HSR Layout even after 6-7 years of launch. They want to hand over the layout to residents without completing the development. But the residents are not ready for it. This matter... Read more

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    Hi, all i also have site at reliaable property, they are bit slow in executing work , but they have been doing the work, me being a working comitte i know better than people who have disscued on thi portal. I hope they dont even own plot in any of reliaable projects. If you people really have guts speak out your with your site noumbers and project name. why dont you disclose.....

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    Thu Sep 25 2008

    The name should have read as Non-Reliable at all. Very much a bunch of cheaters and do money laundering. Never fulfill what they say and agree with. All the project are incomplete Lakedew, Woods etc. So never think of buying from them

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    Fri Jun 13 2008

    hye come on they are not that much big cheaters, tell who are the best in this field no one is perfect. dont blame them like this, iam also one of the customer. dont just talk that u have a mouth and a keypad, think twicw before saying or doing some thing. come on dear be bold if u have any problem go to consumer court and prove your ability that you have been cheated.

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    Wed Mar 19 2008

    These guys(Realiaable Developers) are real scums who do not keep up any of their commitments.I agree that these jokers are making money by cheating all the buyers by giving false promises and one the plots are sold, it is a real nightmare to deal with these cheapest scums on earth

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    Sat Jan 05 2008

    I'm thinking of booking a 30x40 site in Reliaable woods layout....what is current rate there?! Advice ...opinions please...

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    Thu Dec 06 2007

    Completely agree with IamZulius. The developer gives false promises again and again. Every time, they promise that the activities will be completed shortly! And their management people are the busiest people in the whole world. We have to wait for months to meet them.

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    Tue Dec 04 2007

    Reliaable Developers are a group of cheaters out there to waste your money and time. Yes their website is ( and i am true to each paisa worth of the Rs 30 Lakhs that i have spent in buying a site in their Woods layout. I am talking on behalf of at least 150 site owners in the Reliaable Woods layout. The builder has not completed the work till now, which is already 3 years late. And even after many follow-ups they dont give an ear to our concerns. I strictly advise you NOT NOT NOT to encourage any of their sales calls. Their salesmen will promise you a heaven on earth which will eventually make your life hell on earth. In case you want to know more please contact me iamzulius2atyahoodotcom. The major willans in their party are Kiran(so called director), One over smart and underqualified salesman callled Sathya and a bunch of cronies and touts which they call as salsemen. They earlier did this to the Reliaable Lake Dew Residents and now the... Read more

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    Tue Apr 03 2007

    There are no words to describe these bastards.