Assemblies of God
Approval Rate: 67%
Reviews 0
by slowjoe983
Sat Dec 27 2008Most certainly the AOG churches are run with a cult-ish mentality. They are very much into controlling lives and thinking. For example, socializing with non-believers is very much frowned upon. These "heathens" will spoil you and ruin your holiness. The Assemblies also forbid watching movies, dancing, drinking, and mostly any pleasurable behavior. They create an environment where the church provides all of your needs, friendship, socializing, entertainment, and many even run their own schools. They preach a twisted gospel of "us and them" where only the Pentacostals will go to heaven. A real key indicator of the AOG cult-ish behavior is that if you ever decide to leave the church, or get thrown out, the AOG will make you disappear and never allow you back in. They even go so far as to prohibit current church members from speaking with former members. AOG's are bad bad bad - - - run away while you can before it's too late...
by misspackrat4je_sus
Sat Dec 27 2008I feel bad for anyone who may have had bad experiences at an Assembly of God church, but those experiences don't make the entire denomination bad. The ones I am familiar with are not as "legalistic" as one would think. There are varying degrees of strictness, as with other denominations. No church is perfect, and no matter how much we try, we'll never find one. Any doctrine which teaches that Jesus Christ is the only way is on the right track.
by tellnolie
Sun Oct 19 2008As a youth I was taken to the AoG church in Hamlin, PA. I can say beyond any reasonable doubt, that the environment fostered there was indeed cult like. I can not speak as to every AoG chapel though. The church was ripe with propaganda videos, speeches and as much reinforcements as they needed to convince members or visitors that theirs was the only way to salvation. If you are in the mood to hear about the "end times", well that is the place to go! The videos are practically enough to scare anyone into believing that without their help, you will die a fire burning death with your flesh melting from your body as you scream for help from your saved brethren. Back in the 80's when I attended, the propaganda videos featured the Russians as the forces of darkness. Any second Christ would return to earth as the sky cracked open right after the Russians launched nukes at the USA. While I do agree there is much more secularization in the world and in some respects God has been forgotten ... Read more
by peabody1
Sat Sep 06 2008Omg, stay away from the A/G's! They will make you crazy! Trust me, I raised my family in them and regret ever stepping into an A/G Church! NOT healthy mentally or emotionally. What is with this THING about people NEEDING a Spiritual Pastor? Most A/G Pastors are not quite right mentally to begin with, were brain-washed and damaged as children themselves! My local A/G Churches have gone through a city wide Church split which is ugly to say the least for about the 3rd time. I know A/G Leadership, the BIG GUNS and I urge you to stay away from the A/G's.
by tavlo42e
Wed Aug 20 2008How can AoG be a cult? All of the churches are independent, sovereign entities. The doctrine is there and if a church wants to affiliate with AoG they can. A cult has a centralized establishment that tells its members what to do, what to believe and how to do it. It's impossible for them to be a cult because they are all independent of each other. Of course, that also causes a problem because there ISN'T exact orders on how to behave, so you might come across some whacked out congregation and make your summation of the whole denomination based on that one experience. Swaggart, Baker, Hinn, and many others started or tried to be in the AoG, but soon moved away from it as their aspirations got too big and they wanted to serve themselves. The AoG doesn't want to be affiliated with self promoters. In fact Hinn was dropped as an affiliate because he had his own ministry and was too big for AoG. There is always fallibility in denominations (we're all humans with human systems), b... Read more
by sonofapreacher
Sat Aug 16 2008AOG is a cult. Just because it is HUGE and world-wide doesn't mean it is not a cult. If the Nazi's had won WWII, we'd all believe that that way of life was correct. AOG can destroy lives. I've seen it happen far too many times. The systematic brainwashing and manipulation of thought and emotion that takes place at AG kids camps, revivals, many churches and seminars has all the earmarks of a great and powerful cult. I was raised AG, began preaching for the church at age 18 and because I was the son of a preacher, churches FILLED to hear me speak. What an 18 year old has to teach a congregation beats me, but they would pack in to hear me speak. It was as if I was a prophet myself. And why not, my dad is basically considered one as is most of the leaders of the movement... I mean cult. I've seen many deliverance services where people had 'demons' cast out of them. Mostly this was done in a very disturbing and violent matter. This was done routinely to individuals who were young and stil... Read more
by shoishk
Thu Jul 10 2008The AOG demonination borders between cult and false religion. I attended an AOG church for 20 years before I actually started taking the bible at face value. The amount of sripture twisting and blatant ignorance of God's word to come to many of their doctrinal conclusions is utterly disgusting. I beleive no pastor, church or person ever teaches 100% true doctrine. But where a church teaches a false gospel, the very foundation, then all other doctrines they teach will be based on a false foundation. The AOG church is guilty of teaching works salvation, Lordship salvation, speaking in tongues etc.. This is the very basis of their false religion. They have opened the door to false signs and therefore the door to being decieved. I offended my friends father recently to point he almost cried by asking him for scripture proof that the nonsense blabbering that he speaks is biblical. He had none. (Bare in mind I used to speak in tongues) The bible states that tongues are a miraculou... Read more
by dan59965
Mon May 19 2008After almost 50 years in this denomination, giving, sacrificing, serving on church boards, I am fortunate to be out of this group. The farther I get away, the scarier this group looks. This denonimation contributed to more bondage in my life than anything at the time or since. Like any church, the scripture can be quoted to "justify" that they are a Bible-based denomination, that their views are the most theologically correct. There's actually a number of heresies that would require some lengthy explanation. But, what makes this group most like a "cult" is their absolute vision of Chrisianity. If you have been lead by the Spirit and God reveals his Word to you in a way that might be a little different from the AG doctrine, you are accused of being "deceived" or Satan is attacking you. How is this any different from any other "cult"? There is actually a district in the AG that has sent a memo to it's pastors that they are not to visit other churches outside of the denominati... Read more
by donovan
Mon Aug 20 2007I attend an Assembly of God Church and just because I attend does not mean I follow everything they say, I must confirm the teaching with the Word of God. I believe that tongues have a place in the church today if your church is winning the lost for the Lord. Tongues were not just for the early church, the Holy Spirit was sent as a comforter after Christ's death. I speak in tongues and yes I agree with Paul in the bible that it is a lesser gift, but a gift no less. I believe in tongues with interpretation. I am cautious when people tell me their beliefs, I must study the Word and pray to God for wisdom. I do not know everything and I am open to instruction from God. I ask for your prayers that God will continue to direct my path and I will also pray for you. I agree about order of the church. I also believe in healing. All healing is by God through Jesus stripes and it is for today. Only God can heal. My daughter was healed from a broken arm, she went to bed with it broken and swollen... Read more
by passtheloot
Sun Aug 19 2007Follow Jesus, I agree with maybe 65% of there teaching. It's a good thing that I have never found the perfect Church because they probably won't let me in.
by junef4b4
Mon Oct 09 2006Excellent doctrine and most of the AG churches I have attended were great.
by insider
Mon Jun 26 2006Always loved A/G churches. They teach it like the Bible says it is.
by timmyadonis
Sat May 20 2006One of the best denominations because they have excellent doctrine. Yes, they are a part of the Pentecostal movement, but what a great thing!
by blue47
Tue May 16 2006same as the pentecostal. just tv money beggars. isn't paul crouch and his halloween wife members of the beg-a-cult. I rest my case before the three who did not agree with me. AND don't forget Jim and Tammy. Tammy is still around runing for 2nd in the "cry at phone numbers" award. Her and that make up artist Jan!
by tvchristian
Thu Apr 20 2006They are a fine denomination. They have millions of churches and most are not on TV, so they are not asking for money as someone suggested. The TV evangelists seem crazy and money hungry (some might be, but don't judge them all). I think the ones whose hearts are really in it and love God, are only wanting to help people and get souls won to God so that they will go to heaven when they die. The big plus of a full Gospel church is believing in the Holy Spirit as a person. And someone mentioned the "once saved always saved" Baptist doctrine. Assemblies follows the Bible very closely and although Christ died for everyone in the universe, not all people will accept Him and not all people who believe in Him will stay in that place of belief and not fall. We have human nature of choice. Assemblies does have loving people and pastors for the most part. I love them and also love Foursquare the best.
by fitzgarce
Wed Apr 19 2006Great fellowship of Christ followers. Full of life, enthusiastic, spirited prayer and worship time. Downfall, I think, is the belief that one can lose their salvation. This would mean that Christ did not die once and for all.
by vivvan
Sun Apr 16 2006I've been a member of 2 A/G churches and believe they are correct in their doctrine and theology.
by asuzast
Sat Apr 08 2006Have to agree with RevKen. In my opinion, from what I've studied, Assemblies of God is the closest to "right theology" as any church, though I do think Foursquare is equally good. They have taught me so much, helped me in so many ways and the people are loving and friendly for the most part. What I don't like is the new music - too fast and wild to be able to worship God. So many people are trying to win teen souls that they neglect the older generation many times, but that's not just A/G - it is everywhere.
by genghisthehun
Sun Nov 06 2005Here, I am afraid, we have a true cult. I have personally investigated this group, and even though I don't scare easily, this group gives me the "willies." I think that this is the largest Pentecostal group in the USA and maybe the world. Much has been written on RIA about speaking in tongues, dispensationalism, rapture, and the other heresies from orthodox Christianity, and this group has them all. I shall not elaborate here. Their preachers do provide good entertainment on television, however. Jimmy Swaggart was their leading light and that should tell you something. The diabolical speaking in tonges business should be enough to drive any good Christian out the door of any AG church. Of course, if you rummage around in the Bible, you can find support for any position. I am sure the AG defenders shall weigh in quoting chapter and verse.
by gregory48
Sun Aug 07 2005I was raised Baptist and changed to A/G at age 25. Still there many years later.
by revken
Sat Aug 06 2005I have read all of your comments & I must say that all of you have valid points, but some misunderstandings. Some of you have been hurt in the past by someone in an A/G church & for this I am sorry. But before you make a total judgment against the A/G, I think there needs to be some clearing of the air. To If the shoe fits, Sorry for any misunderstanding. The Bible says when you receive Christ, the Spirit live in you period. Baptism has nothing to do with salvation. Some A/G churches are wilder & some milder. Find a church that you feel comfortable in, A/G or not. To Gone Away, Valid point! Parlor tricks are a mockery of God's mercy. It is an embarrassment to the ministry & the A/G scrutinizes their ministers closely. However, a few do slip through the cracks & it puts a bad taste in the mouths of anyone who doesn't know any better. The book of Matthew states that some of those that perform miracles in the name of Christ (ministers)won't make it to heaven because they thems... Read more
by sfalconer
Thu Jul 07 2005Flashy with lots of entertainment but little substance. Lots of buildings and schools but they turn there backs on their own members. Jimmy Swaggert and Jim Baker, need I say more.
by helmut
Fri Apr 29 2005Circumstances have currently led me to attend an Assembly of God church with my wife. Her family attends and has attended there for years and years and my church has shrunk almost to the point of disbandment (I was raised in the Worldwide Church of God and when our doctrine changed (for the better) we lost many of our congregation). So we attend her church most Sundays. So far, this is what I have been able to ascertain: There are several things that I do not feel comfortable with. First, there is quite a bit of speaking in tongues (no interpreter). I would not have a problem with it if I did not get the impression that it is fashionable to do this, not only to do it but to do it in front of the entire congregation. Often when a member begins speaking in tongues loudly, the church will fall silent and listen to them until they finish. Other times, as much as 10 or 20% of the population will do so almost idly while the pastor speaks above them. Second, I do not like the style o... Read more
by if_the_shoe_fits
Mon Sep 01 2003Having been raised in this sham of a religion, or at least the church I went to as a child, I can say that this doctrine did more to pervert my understanding of what God really intends for mankind than any other I have studied. Almost cultish in its' processing of its members. Pew jumpers, screamers, and then there is the matter of tongues. I was told that if I couldn't, or wouldn't speak in tongues, the Spirit of God didn't dwell in me. Far be it from me to judge, but there is a twisted mentality housed within this doctrine. And before any one attacks this comment, understand that it is based on my own experiences as a youth and may not be necessarily true for all other churches of this same faith.