midriff (belly) shirt
Approval Rate: 82%
Reviews 0
by djahuti
Fri Jul 29 2011Can be very sexy on a woman who is in shape.
by canadasucks
Fri Jul 29 2011I'm getting tired of these. . .it's like tattoos - only the rebels had them and now they're practically uniforms. Pricktease clothing always kind of bugged me anyway. . .
by nevernever
Fri Aug 14 2009It's dayum sexy! Women should never cover their sexy bellies up!
by misspackrat4je_sus
Wed May 06 2009I had some when I was a teenager, mainly because I was trying to "fit in" with my "fashionable" peers, and modesty just didn't mean as much to me as it does now. I only know that I wouldn't be caught dead in one anymore. I like my belly covered, thank you.
by seabearkt
Wed Nov 26 2008Wear them if you have the body =) I do it all the time =)
by johnbrown
Wed Nov 05 2008They do mmake half shirts for guys. Nike and adidas make them. sience when did seeing a guys abs make him gay? we used to wear half shirts for foot ball and the girls loved it (if you have good abs). most people are fat and dont work out so should not wear them. but guy or girl if you have the abs find an old t-shirt and cut it up, try it you might like it, so might your girl friend.
by christophino
Tue Oct 28 2008Do they do these midriff shirts for guys. I hope so . I am married but buff, waxed and tanned and would like to show my midriff off as much as any girl and think it unfair if we are not allowed. I already go down the beach in my g string to tan my butt and legs and it works I feel better about myself. i believe in one rule for all.Take care people and heres to good living anf good sex
by genghisthehun
Wed Oct 10 2007Inappropriate people wearing this apparel makes my want to forsake my principles and bring back public hanging as punishment for such an offense!
by fitman
Wed Oct 10 2007Hey boys and girls, take an honest look in the mirror before going out of the house in clothing meant for fit people. Your friends and neighbors will thank you.
by hannah29847893_74
Sun Mar 25 2007When I finally convinced my mom to get my belly button pierced, she decided to get hers done to. She then realized that the piercing was no good unless you could see it, so all she buys me are belly shirts. We always go a size to small. So does she. She loves her ring. It seems to have changed her. Now if a shirt goes past her waist, she'll tie it up so its above her belly button. She encourages me to do so as well. Its kind of weird but I've got used to it. Everyday I come home and theres some new mini skirt, halter top, or tank top. Something she would never have bought before. She says she wants me to look sexy.
by veronica453746_382
Sat Mar 24 2007If your comfortable with yourself, and not insecure, go for it. Wear a belly shirt. It shows that you are a confident person. If you don't own one ask a friend for one or make one. Do some "trimming". Another option is to use a hair tie. Make sure you pull your shirt back tight and over your belly and all the guys will be going after you.
by stoneac
Sun Jul 09 2006Ladies, from a males perspective, they are hot providing you are not fat and you are trim. Middle age women generally shouldnt wear them downtown, but they do provide interest when hubby comes home.
by jim01540
Fri Jan 20 2006I love to see a women wearing a belly shirt if she is thin. Very sexy!!!
by sdfds6fb
Tue Nov 01 2005Belly shirts look fantastic, especially when the girl is overweight. The bigger the belly bulging over their jeans the better, really large women should show off their bodies with pride.
by historyfan
Tue Nov 01 2005It's sickening when underage girls wear this crap. It's even more sickening when big women wear them, too! I'm big myself but there is NO WAY IN HECK I will ever try to wear tight, revealing clothing.
by numbah16tdhaha
Fri Jul 29 2005They are great on the people they are intended for but abused by a good potion of the population.
by texasyankee
Fri Jul 29 2005for belly shirt style t-shirts or something similar, I would say yes for 23 and younger. For us older, yet in fantastic shape (just gotta be fit to wear one) I would limit it to dressing up for clubs or parties and halter top style.
by ptroxiemisha
Mon Sep 20 2004Great item of clothing, I own quite a few of them. I've got the body for it, but I have seen some rather chubby girls who still looked good in them.
by jennifer61
Sat May 29 2004They are really cute on the right body but if there is a roll of fat hanging over too tight jeans. That's nasty.
by scarletfeather
Sun Mar 14 2004If you are 16 and have a flat stomach, this is fine. Otherwise if you have the slighest bit of fat around the midriff, this is not a good option.
by optionfootball
Sun Mar 14 2004Need to have the body for it, because of this it limits its versitility. If everyone were attractive, this would get a 5.
by irishgit
Sun Mar 14 2004Great, as long as the wearer doesn't have much of a belly.
by classictvfan47
Sat Mar 13 2004Women look great in these too!
by bigdogdad
Wed Sep 03 2003Nice firm tummy - yummy yummy yummy! A nice naval ring is frosting on the cake!
by castlebee
Thu Aug 07 2003I agree with Dirk. Except that I think they basically make everyone look disgusting. Since I wore tube tops once upon a time (in my thin youth) I'm sure I'd have a different opinion if I were 20+ years younger.
by kamylienne
Sat Aug 02 20031) ONLY for girls--I've seen guys do it. It's NOT good. 2) It's not bad, if you've got the body for it. It's not as blatant as, say, having your cleavage hanging out, which is a plus.