Dennis Miller

Airs weeknights at 9 PM on CNBC.

Approval Rate: 68%

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    Wed Nov 12 2008

    You know you're getting old if you can remember when Dennis Miller was funny. And then it was because Al Franken was writing his material. I don't get these people who refer to him as an intellectual. There's no such thing as an intellectual conservative. He's just a pompous jerk.

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    Mon Oct 27 2008


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    Sat Aug 23 2008

    So this has become another political forum! Just for the comedy Dennis Miller is a funny guy. His stream of conciousness humor can wind on a bit long at times and you have to really pay attention to keep up with all the twists and turns but he is never boring. I am sorry he has risked his career by being a conservative commentator but he is only looking for humor in politics which isn't hard to find. Does every comic have to sign the liberal pledge? Thou shalt not make fun of liberals.

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    Sat Aug 02 2008

    Dennis can be very funny, however I'm not crazy about his radio show.

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    Fri Aug 01 2008

    Contrary to some claims, Miller was never a liberal and never had a liberal sensibility, but, at his best, he was often quite funny and was capable of making some cogent observations, although his facade of swarmy sophistication, faux-"hip" name dropping, and obsessively cramming his routines with obscure esoterica and references wore thin quickly. Still, he was genuinely funny, at least until 9/11 seemed to simultaneously castrate and lobotomize him. Basically, he functions now as Ed McMahon to Bill-O's Johnny Carson, and it's really, truly sad. Adding insult to injury, he's not funny anymore either. Sometimes I have to go back and re-listen to some of the old CD's just to reassure myself that he ever was.

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    Fri Aug 01 2008

    As a comic he was often funny, although the idea that he was ever a liberal is a little bizarre.Now he's just a pretentious bore

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    Fri Aug 01 2008

    I liked him better as a comedian than a pundit.  His pretentious language and obscure literary and historical references are a howl when he's cracking wise.  When they are put to work in the service of serious discourse they are pompous beyong belief.

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    Fri Aug 01 2008

    Well...9-11 really opened up alot of people's eyes. I dont hate him for leaning more to the right after that. Plus, it's not like he's this staunch conservative. He will still ALWAYS be remembered as a comedian. Even tho like u said hes not nearly as funny as he once was.

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    Fri Aug 01 2008

    Miller is great with the quips.

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    Sat Jun 07 2008

    He's still hiding down Karl Rove's butt crack.

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    Thu Feb 07 2008

    Top notch in his niche nats!

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    Thu Jan 17 2008

    Reading most of these comments I can't help but believe that there has been some horrible parenting in this country. You critics would have us believe that since Mr. Miller no longer swings left of center that he is the anti-Christ himself. Truth of the matter is, he only swung just a little right of center. Yet to liberals, move an inch to the right and you've moved a mile. I think he is right in line with most American's who occupy the middle third of the spectrum, rather than left or right.  Mr. Miller goes off and does some soul searching, post 9/11, and has come to his conclusions about politics, family, country, and moral responsibility through dedicated research. Guess what...the man has proved it is never too late to grow up.

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    Thu Jan 17 2008

    I don't think he's the "anti-Christ".He's just not funny.

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    Mon Dec 24 2007

    Funny on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update.

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    Mon Dec 24 2007

    a guy that tries to sound smarter than he really is.

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    Tue Oct 09 2007

    Dennis went from a smug, pompous left-leaning boor to a smug, pompous right-wing wh0re. Never funny; Now not even sincere. F U Dennis.

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    Wed Oct 03 2007

    Had more respect for him before 9/11 fried his brain.

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    Thu Sep 20 2007

    I never paid any attention to him on Saturday Night Live;I think he's very good on radio-and could be the ex-Democrat to piss off liberals the most.

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    Sun Aug 12 2007

    Yeah, Miller is the only one who finds his corny one liners funny.

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    Sat Jul 21 2007

    Too full of himself, always laughing at his own jokes.

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    Wed Jun 06 2007

    Best thing to happen to radio in a long time. I listen to the podcast every day. Funny. Not too self important and well informed! joe

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    Sat May 26 2007

    I've recently started to listen to him on his new radio show on the way home from work and usually end up laughing my head off...something I rarely did back when I listened to other talk radio folk.  I may or may not agree with his politics - which, btw he manages to convey without the doom and gloom approach of so many others.  Basically it's his comments and thoughts on current events that make the show one of the best I've ever heard of that particular genre.

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    Sun Apr 22 2007

    Dennis Miller is an example that not ALL Hollyweird types have their robotic heads up thier butts.

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    Wed Apr 11 2007

    Very funny, very informed and way cool. The only downside to Dennis was his MNF stint, I do not want to hear words like adroit and erudite when I am watching football, other than that, he is good at what he does.

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    Wed Mar 28 2007

    Oh my god he's a genius!!! I have no idea what he's talking about. All those refernces to old TV shows from the 80s. Wow!!! What a genius!!!!! I didn't get his comparison of Nancy Pelosi to Jack Lord on 2 liters of Fresca after he ate his own sh$t, but my god he's such a genius!!!!!

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    Wed Mar 28 2007

    This man used to be so funny, he was once considered to be "the thinking man's comic", but sadly, Dennis Miller died not long after 9-11. He intentionally committed slow-motion political and public acceptability suicide and some three or four years thereafter, Jon Stewart and some of his other friends filed for power of attorney so they could disconnect the pity applause machines that were keeping him artificially tied to a world that he no longer recognized nor related to, in any way whatsoever.Darrell Miller and his (supposedly non-romantic) friend, the two-bit, half-brained, washed-up character actor, Ron "Whatsisname" Silver, mutually disconnected their own reality feeding tubes in a small, tastefully intimate private ceremony held in Karl Rove's butt-crack.When MSNBC fired Dennis Milner, his chimp co-host actually got more job offers and a far better severance package than Daniel Miller did. Apparently, the calls and the pay were based on talent and intelligence.RIP, Dennis Milton... Read more

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    Fri Feb 09 2007

    Finally came around to conservatism. Must have grown up like most of us do.... eventually.

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    Mon Jul 31 2006

    Not as funny (or as smart) as he thinks he is. Was ok on SNL because he didn't pander to the crowd, but he started his fast skid when he bombed on Monday Night Football. I remember Mort Sahl, I loved Mort Sahl . . Dennis Miller is no Mort Sahl (who is still with us, by the way, and still smart and funny).

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    Thu Jul 06 2006

    Yet another quite unfunny person.

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    Mon Apr 10 2006

    This dude is not funny, not charismatic, not clever, and has nothing of interest to say. He was on SNL when it was no longer funny. He reminds me of the guy that acts like he is CEO of a huge corp after getting promoted to row captain at a fast food restaurant.

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    Sat Apr 01 2006

    The intellectualist. Hard to keep up with him sometimes. Wish I had more brain power and a broader knowledge base so I could catch all the subtle and obscure references that he throws out. Still, very funny when you can understand what he's ranting about. Always a good break from the likes of Larry the Cable Guy (don't get me wrong, Larry is very funny, but on the opposite end of the spectrum).

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    Sat Mar 25 2006

    Can be pedantic at times.How come it is that he is a fool for leaning right whereas if he was one of the many LaLa land minions who mindlessly chant "Bush is a moron" he would be seen as the greatest thing since corned beef hash?

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    Fri Mar 24 2006

    3x + 34 to the second power - 12y= you suck Dennis Miller! I don't care how smart you think you are dude.

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    Sun Jan 22 2006

    i watched dennis millers hbo special tonight and it was absolutely terrible. not only was he not funny but not even smart. he used to at least smart. his political views are absolutely dumb. maybe he should retire in Alabama or some other red state.

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    Sun Jan 15 2006

    love dennis miller, love the writing of the rants and his ability to strip away the party line bullshit. sad that he got put on a shelf at cnbc and became watered down. he needs to be allowed to say what needs to be said

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    Wed Dec 07 2005

    He doesn't even seem to be having a good time anymore.

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    Tue Aug 30 2005

    I'm waiting as a fellow anti-political boxist with other X-generationees to offer my perception of the current society, which- as all of you loud ass media sorts seem to orgasm touting, is in dissarray. THANKS {assholes..} Dennis Miller and Chris Hicthens, along with Thomas Friedman and Oprah Winfrey, are a few of voices I'll pause to listen to. This hippie/love child generation of Mary Tyler Moore worshipping, PC frontal conversationalist, but backdoor artisticly inclined sadists which distribute most of lifes propaganda called media *thing* has left the younger generation X screwed. But voices like Millers help me feel some level of unity with others who understand that honor is the most golden of all attributes.

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    Sun Jul 24 2005

    Funny. Great use of language. Good wit and makes great points. I'm sure plenty of raters here hate him.

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    Tue Jun 21 2005

    A funny man who was ultimately punished for having an opinion.

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    tedious and obvious pandering

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    Needs to replace Conan. He is smart, his show is smart and we need more of this on TV. Not that junk we get from Conan.

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    Fri Jun 10 2005

    Effen Neo-Con! :)

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    Wed Apr 20 2005


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    Tue Apr 19 2005

    Not funny or a comedian. To intellectual to be considered funny. Your audience shouldn't have to work at getting the joke. Seems to ramble on when not needed.

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    Tue Apr 12 2005

    Conservative asshole! How many times can you get a laugh from saying, Nuke them all.

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    Thu Mar 17 2005

    Please, do us all a favor and ban Mr. Miller from appearing on any broadcast format. It's not Miller time and never was.

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    Fri Dec 31 2004

    This is a tough one because I used to have a CD of his and I thought he was really funny. Then I seen him licking it up with Sean Hannity on Fox and I wondered what the hell happened to him. I've seen a couple of his talk shows and I think that audience is planted. The best comedians are the ones who take on everybody and everything like George Carlin, not just ape the same stuff Limbaugh and Hannity spew. If your such a patriot who sees no problems with the war, why don't you encourage your son to enlist

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    Wed Dec 22 2004

    I was looking for a voice of intellectual conservatism, and had always thought of Dennis Miller as reasonably intelligent. What is clear now is that he has always benefitted from strong writers; his own commentary is weak, ill-articulated, and without firm logical foundations. The show, which I watched more than I should have in the hopes it was simply suffering from start-up woes, is a colossal disappointment, as is Miller. I think his star has diminished -- it's apparent now that he was showing off an erudition he never really had for all these years.

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    Tue Dec 21 2004

    How long can one guy live off an old SNL skit? Well, about as long as people think he's funny. That skit you refer to is what every talk show host calls a a monologue or telling jokes about the news. It's like saying you don't like BB King because the guitar bit is over done. Miller may be right-wing (if you can call a Libertarian that), but the show isn't. Politics is only discussed 15-20 minutes per show, and much of that includes varying political viewpoints. He always interviews more than just one non-political guest, from sports or entertainment, and he's always engaged with them, unlike Leno or Letterman. He sucked as a football announcer. He's great as a talk show host. People should try to look past his politics and watch his show. I don't agree with Bill Maher or John Sterwart on everything, but they have good shows. Don't watch them as much, but I wouldn't give them a bad rating.

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    Tue Nov 23 2004

    Anyone favorably comparing this show to The Daily Show is high on crack. Dennis Miller is not only decidely UNfunny, he's just plain tiresome. I suffered through his show for the first 3 months waiting for it to get better. I've checked back a few times since and it STILL sucks. If I laugh ONCE during his show, it's an red-letter show. And based on the ratings and awards (TDS)... America agrees.