David Copperfield
Approval Rate: 63%
Reviews 0
by ralphthewonder_llama
Wed Nov 03 2010And he keeps using that same old line: "Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of a hat! ...button up my sleeve....presto!"
by kansasbird
Tue Nov 02 2010This was my first trip to Vegas and I really wanted to see a quality magic show. I asked around and everyone recommended seeing the Copperfield show. AMAZING! I mean really awesome. He had a great sense of humor and the illusions were mind-boggling. I didn't know I was going to get a comedy show and a magic show for the price of 1! I would recommend this show to anyone who wants to have a good time. Tons of audience participation, tons of laughs. Favorite illusion: Those crazy dancing ties!
by lorraine7
Tue Nov 02 2010Man its a shame just how far David has let himself as well as the quality of his shows go. Not only has his shows become old & repetitive, but obvious as well, which is really sad because he used to put on grade-a shows back in his prime. I've seen his grandfather lottery trick before, where the first time I saw it I actually fell for the whole license plate bit being a "special part just for tonight's show", involving his grandfather's license plates. Then I saw the same exact sequence AGAIN, with the license plates AGAIN. He gets random people to pick lottery numbers, & they miraculously match his grandfather's old license plates. But seeing it again with the license plates that were supposed to be "just for tonight's show" a few years back, than again when I saw him last week, its obvious that he uses the so called "license plates" in EVERY show, so they obviously punch new plates as the numbers are called out, or force the numbers, or use stooges so that they match the license plat... Read more
by missylynn
Tue Oct 26 2010I just went out and saw David Copperfield for the first time, and I thought it was amazing! I have never seen a magic show like this-definitely the best one that the strip has to offer. I have no idea how any of it was done, and it was all put perfectly with the lights, music and atmosphere. I had seen him on TV specials and always wondered what his live show would be like. I LOVED Webster, his duck, and the trick where he disappears and reappears. Also, David walked through a huge fan onstage and showed up 2 seconds later all the way in the back of the theater. No idea how that's possible! Also, he's just fun to watch. He has ridiculous jokes that really made me giggle. His presence and the way he commands the stage are effortless. If you want to see magic, there is no question that this is the show that you ABSOLUTELY want to come to.
by coffeemate
Wed Oct 20 2010Saw the show in Las Vegas last night and it's pretty amazing. First live magic show I've been to. I grew up watching his specials so it was a treat to see him in person. What can I say? The magic was great and Dave's a showman, he was impressive, especially when he made a cadilac appear like three feet away from our seats.
by dramamama59
Wed Oct 06 2010I always wanted to see David Copperfield in person and this year I had a chance to see him twice. First he came to Cleveland on tour and then I saw him in Vegas at the MGM. I was worried that since I was seeing him only months apart I may be disappointed the second time. Nothing could be further from the truth because even though the illusions were the same, I was just as mezmerized the second time. I'm bowled over by the scorpion getting the right card, I love the duck bit, the motorcycle appearance is fun, the squeeze box amazed me both times and.....well, I could go on and on. Instead of being disappointed, I was even more impressed in the MGM venue! I truly enjoyed David's banter with the "volunteers" and found him quite charming over all. The lighting and music backgrounds were effective in focusing the audience on the illusions. I would definitely go again and maybe again AND again! Copperfield is, after all, an icon and I confess to being a major fan!
by maverickator
Thu Sep 02 2010Anyone who sees this show more than once can easily pick up how the tricks/gags are done, such as the so called "late audience memberes" that Dave picks on, who just happen to be at every show at the same exact time, the couple where the husband always grabs the wife's but, & the "Special thing just for tonight's show", yet its in EVERY show, being his grandfather's old license plates that match lottery numbers picked by the audience menbers, & the license plate #s are always different, I mean, how many hundreds of cars did his grandfather have? On top of that, he throws out 6 frisbies for random volunteers to inspect everything, yet 12 people wind up on stage. & for the so called "Turbine Engine" stunt, you can clearly see him dressed in dread locks walk into the audience to "reappear". & when he seats the 13 people on the platform, all you have to do is walk out into the lobby of the theater to your left & youll be able to see the 13 people with the flashlights run up the stairs to t... Read more
by danagle
Thu Jul 01 2010Saw him in MGM on June 29, 2010. By far the worst show I have ever seen in my life. The show was about 75 minutes long of which 30 minutes (at least) were videos of old tricks or self-promotional statements. One of his "tricks" involved a long, boring story of his grandfather (it wasn't just boring for the audience, it was obvious David himself could barely stomach telling it) at the end of which we were subjected to some sloppy sleight of hand and some audience plants. He attempts to be funny during his show. It was actually his attempt to be funny which was comical. The jokes were so bad that only the audience plants were laughing. Any time he said something "funny" or did a "trick" he had to start clapping to cue the rest of the audience that we were supposed to clap also. I mean this literally. There was dead silence for several seconds after a trick, then he would look at the audience and start clapping. I think he performed about 8 "tricks" (I'm not counting the video o... Read more
by leeyoung
Sun May 30 2010David Copperfield is stuck in the 1980's. It's a terrible shame, and a waste of money, that his ticket prices are not. They are instead as overinflated as his big hair or his gigantic ego.
by gseltzer
Mon Feb 01 2010Well, on January 30, 2010 I paid $200 each for two front row "meet and greet" tickets and it was so disappointing. I think alot of the other reviews have already covered the same things - he seemed thoroughly bored out of his mind. He mumbled through his tricks (nothing new here - about six tricks and if you have seen them in the last thirty years, they are the same). I have never seen a guy sleepwalk through a performance with so little ambition. He was rude to a volunteer in the audience who only spoke Chinese (comeupy to stagey... that kinda of stuff). But - here is something interesting.... if you want to know how two of his tricks are done - we were so close, it was so clumsy and his delivery so uninspired - we could see easily. When he is in the box and sort of cut in half, you see his white socks stick out the bottom. Well, we could see them perfectly - and they are mechanical feet! There was a light on behind the box (away from the audience) and you could see the socks end ... Read more
by tvaughan
Wed Dec 23 2009I'm a huge magic fan. I saw Copperfield about 10 to 12 years ago when he did the Dreams and Nightmares show. I thought it was incredible. If I'm not mistaken I think Francis Coppola produced that one. Then about a year ago (2008) I took the family to see him in Biloxi, MS. What a disappointment. I have to agree with some other reviewers that he seemed like a robot. It was very rushed and as if he didn't even want to be there. I know it sounds odd, but it was very apparent that his passion wasn't there that night. I thought perhaps it was just a fluke, but then read numerous posts about the same disappointing performance. Everything seemed too "rehearsed". The patter he used seemed unashamedly memorized. Don't get me wrong, I really admire Copperfield and his history, but he will need a serious new approach/show for me to shell out the cash to see him again.
by suegan
Tue Sep 08 2009This was the worst Las Vegas show I have ever seen. The MGM should be ashamed of themselves for even putting this show on. He was so egotistical it was painful to watch. I would like to know how much he paid the audience participants to help him try and fool the rest of the audience. I liked when after he made them all disappear(Ha-Ha) he had them ushered out the side stage door. Hopefully they got more than an autographed picture of the pervert. I liked when the participants almost forgot the lottery numbers he told them remember. Could it be that they too were upset with his show. The MGM stole $300 from me and subjected my friends and I to an hour and 15 minutes of pure torture. David Copperfield is a creepy OLD man who needs a better hair job and how he has lasted in Vegas is the illusion. He is the definition of NO TALENT
by bhageman
Wed Aug 19 2009David Copperfield should be taken out back and have a bullet put in his brain for paving the way for future "illusionists" like David Blaine and Chris Angel Mindouche.
by coeed81d
Wed Aug 19 2009I flew from Perth to See David Copperfield at the Rod Laver Arena on 16 August because he wouldnt take the effort to make the trip to Perth. What a waste of money and time. Very disappointing! I would not recommend anyone seeing him. I forked out for bronze tickets and luckily didnt pay top dollar for 1 hour and 15 mins of boringness. Thumbs down to him and hope he doesnt return to Australia.
by buddy69
Fri Aug 14 2009TERRIBLE If I'd have wanted to watch this lame-o, arrogant, and totally ego-centric man on the screen doing old tricks I would have watched the bugger on YOU TUBE; AND saved myself the $300.00 I spent on tickets!!!! And the self-proclaiming propaganda video at the start filled with "David Copperfield is the best" yada yada yada make me sick to my stomach!!! Move aside dude, if you think people are going to respect you after you practically STEAL our money for a terrible show like that, your totally delusional!!!!!!!!!!!!
by timaru1
Thu Aug 13 2009Absolutely agree with everybody else. What a rip off - and offensive to his fans entertaining for only an hour (a lot of which was in video - could have watched that on tv at home) and charging so much. We paid $200 per ticket! Wont be going to see him again - or watching him on tv!
by dominic11
Mon Aug 10 2009OMG, sw him in sydney 08/08/09, worst F ING show ever, wht joke, who gives shit how mny people hve mentioned the word dvid coppefield, i didnt go to wtch videos of his shit tricks, 45 min show @ best, cost me 400bucks for 2 tickets, stupid jokes, corny jokes, worst wste of money, would rther wipe my bum with 4 one hundred dollr notes. shit shit shit. i could write for hours bout how bd it ws but wont wste ne more time, sorry if u hve pre purchsed tickets, SELL THEM!!!!!
by dissapointed_2009
Sun Aug 09 2009Agree with everyone below. Absolutely and completely dissapointing. As a long time fan of his early work I thought I was in for something incredible. Instead, what we all got was a 50min show that wouldn't pass for a school carnival. 2 of the tricks were grand but he created no atomosphere of allusion and it was obvious there was no magic here. As with others here, I also saw him running down the side in an dreadlock wig in order to complete his reappearing act. What a nightmare. I spent AUD250 on gold class tickets because I thought it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Which is true - you'll never get a chance to waste 250 so quickly again. Don't waste your time - go and hire one of his old DVD's. PS: I can't believe he actually showed us a video of one of this old tricks???? How about actually performing it! Worst...
by missybrenk
Sun Aug 09 2009I went to David Copperfield in Sydney on 8/8/09 and it was a rip-off. He started fifteen minutes late and then we were subjected to 10 minutes of self promotion via clips form shows where his name is mentioned. He then spent most of his time walking up and down through the audience choosing helpers which really did nothing much. We had the cheap tickets of $117 so we were sitting right up the back and could really only see what was happening via TV screens. They were so far away we couldn't see what was going on. The illusions he did, which were very few were amazing but the last two were exactly what he had done ten years ago when he visited Australia. We also sat through a video of him escaping from a straight jacket which was like watching TV. The show ended after less than 60 minutes. I feel sorry for the people who paid over $300 and took the family. They mist be fuming. I will never waste my money on him again.
by mariemartin3
Sat Aug 08 2009Please do not waste your money. We seen the show in Sydney Australia 8/8/09 and what a dissapointment it was. It was a one hour show if I can call it that. Sure there were a couple of good illusions, but the rest were just RSL magic tricks. The stage was terrible and he kept getting us to clap at the bad magic acts. AT $250.00 a ticket we felt deflated. We thought we were seeing the best illusionist in the world, well we can tell you we have seen better local and it did not cost us $250.00 very low budget. again dont waste the money spend it on the local talent. Sydney
by euclid
Sun May 10 2009I just attended his show in Denver and it was AWFUL!!! I was super excited to see him for the first time and became more excited when the show started with 5 minutes of video showing how great he is. The show finally started and had a pretty good trick of him appearing on stage. From there it was all downhill. There was more video filler than actual show. He made lame attempts at comedy and spent more time choosing audience participants than performing actual tricks. Due to the location of our seats, we saw him running out into the audience wearing all black and a wig with dredlocks. He shed his clothes and wig and then "magically" appeared on a mini-stage in the audience. The whole show only lasted an hour and 10 minutes and was disappointing considering that he is legendary and supposed to be the best. He continually attempted to make the audience praise him more but did not show any enthusiasm for performing. Overall, I feel cheated and am embarassed to have spent the mone... Read more
by eileentoma
Fri May 01 2009Save your money! I don't waste time reviewing performances, but this one is so bad I feel compelled to spread the word. Show was 1 hr, 10 min. Copperfield looked bored and condescending (why not - he was ahead a bundle of dough that he didn't earn!). He mumbled and spoke so fast I couldn't understand him, his big tricks were all the same trick, only a variation with the same big contraption. Not a wise choice. Don't do it.
by morlando
Sun Mar 08 2009Absolutely the worst show in Vegas. I was initially soured before the show began - one of his cast members came by the front stage tables whispering to everyone that he likes his audience to give standing applaude for his performances. My thought was "who bought these tickets?" The show was the worst with planted participants throughout the audience and some really stupid scripts. Avoid wasting your money!!!!!!!!!!!
by gingercookie
Wed Jan 21 2009One of the most entertaining shows we have ever seen. The time went by so fast.
by jumper
Wed Jan 21 2009David Copperfield is an extraordinary Magician. Spellbinding and entertaining with never a dull moment. A must see for all age groups!
by sallyjen
Wed Jan 21 2009I saw the show with my boyfriend last night and it was absolutely amazing. The man is awesome, and he's also really funny, like a bit of a comedian, getting all the crowd involved in his illusions and making them laugh. He's great and well worth the money. I can't wait to see him again.
by jessed
Wed Jan 21 2009Wow, the show was great! From making a car appear on stage from nowhere to making an entrance on a motorbike that appeared from an empty box, and passing through a large slate of thick steal from under it to on top of it , and right in front of your eyes! Just to name a few of the illusions, he performed, as well as lots of other big illusions, ( I won't tell all , as I do not want to spoil it for anyone going) also he performed some close up magic with absolutelly random audiance members. The audience is also a part of the show, he runs in and out in the crowd, getting everyone involved. We all felt as if we were also a part of the show and his magic. I got to shake his hand at the end of the show, and will take away unforgetable moments from this.
by shahin
Sun Jan 18 2009David Copperfield is a superb entertainer. The show held my interest from beginning to end.
by iluvmagic
Fri Jan 02 2009an amazing show! David Copperfield is a true entertainer & a great showman. I loved this show & would see it again! Copperfield Rocks!
by punisher123456
Tue Dec 30 2008I got suprised, shocked, amazed.. Thats all i can say about show because i still cant get out of constermation! Love you big D! Keep it up!
by jim1975
Fri Dec 26 2008Just saw the show on Christmas and I could not have ask for a better present. My friend got the tickets as a surprise. We had perfect seat down front. Best magic show in Vegas. I don't want to spoil it but there is one point where the entire audience says "Holy %#@& did I just see that" I did not believe my eyes. David was also in rare form. He had a lady on stage that did not speak english. Crazy funny situation. The whole show very funny. This show is HIGHLY recommended.
by stevexlr8
Wed Nov 05 2008His show was terrible,extremely disappointing.It is hard to believe that his show is the same show that made him a house hold name.It was nothing more than a cash grab,please if you where considering seeing David Copperfield,take your money, flush it down the toilet.At least that way you do not have to pay for parking.
by corald2e
Sat Nov 01 2008I just saw his show and what a joke. I have no idea how he can make the statue of liberty dissapear and put on a show like he did. Where i was sitting i saw most of the "behind the scene"tricks and it didn't help he walked right infront of me during a trick to reapear on a box in the addience. All he is is a cash cow. How dissapointing!!
by jsanfe12
Mon Oct 27 2008A complete and utter waste of money. He needs to remember we can watch his tricks on you tube anytime. What people come for is a performance. Perhaps cut down on the meds and remember why you got into show business in the first place?
by debzg7a0
Tue Jul 01 2008Saw his show at the MGM grand in Las Vegas, what a load of rubbish. He handpicked bogus audience members and then done small tricks on them in the aisles, which were relayed onto a big screen (that was probably part of the trick, probably pre-recorded). I wanted to see a lavish magic show, but all I got was a small time magician, "pervy" was the comment made by my 18 year old nieces. To top it all he proceeded to throw large blow up balls into the audience, which knocked over most of the audiences drinks onto their laps. DON'T EVER GO AND PAY TO SEE THIS MAN, IT IS A TERRIBLE SHOW. PS the MGM Grand is more like a bingo hall than a theatre, don't go there either.
by kobaibucky
Sat May 10 2008I just saw him in Boston... Had an amazing time! And I was way up in the upper balcony and could hardly even see the guy. Sounds like most people just don't get it. Sucks for you. My advice. Buy the cheap tickets (I paid 40 bucks)... Relax, laugh, and have a good time!
by manny2008
Thu Apr 03 2008I completely agree with everybody in here. My wife bought us tickets to see him in Toronto at the Sony Center on March 08 knowing that I was a big fan of magic and his. I couldn't believe this was the same copperfield that did all the tv specials a while ago.I Was VERY VERY dissapointed. He seemed that he was bored and did not care about the show, repeating the same tricks over and over. From beginning to end I counted 1 hr and 15 min. The show started 15 minutes late, followed by a movie showing how famous he is and people from the TV media saying his name in different shows, 20 min showing a movie of one of his scapes he did many years ago, a few slow tricks for which he wasted a lot of time picking people from the audience, a very long story about his grandfather (almost 30 min to perform that trick) with some audience members and than 1 more trick and the show ended abruptly. People looked confused. Everybody around me thought it was the intermission and that more tricks were comin... Read more
by brianstjean
Fri Mar 28 2008Just saw him in Toronto. Very disappointed, way too much talk very little magic. He came across very self-indulgant. Anti-climatic ending. Want my money back.. Saw him 15yrs ago - he was amazing. Must not care any more.
by macolyte
Sun Mar 23 2008I just saw him last night (3/22/08), paid $60, and was frankly insulted by his manner, his arrogance, his boredom, his condescension, his smarminess, and his public hitting on beautiful young women in the audience, who were obviously targeted ahead of time by his staff. The illusions were great for one who never saw him before- which I hadn't - but I was shocked by the attitude he seem to have for both his work and the audience. He looked like he had just rolled off his sofa from watching the NCAA's; unbuttoned light blue shirt over a white shirt? He seemed to convey an attitude, "I can't believe these guys paid good money to see this." Everything about the self-promotional videos and other stuff mentioned in other comments also holds. He's become a parody of himself, and an embarrassment.
by serge30
Mon Dec 31 2007Saw his Vegas show at MGM Vegas, usually never write reviews, but could not help myself to warn people about this loser! What a waste of money -simply promotes himself through the whole show - with a couple of illusions - WOW!
by charley
Sun Jun 24 2007Atending his Las Vegas show last night. Started 10 minutes late, 15 minutes of self-promoting videos, 10 minutes telling story about his grandfather, 15 minutes selecting audience members, 40 minutes of magic. $100 ticket or $2.50 a minute.
by rirater
Sun May 20 2007I just saw him last night at Foxwoods. I was a little shocked by the amount of time wasted on lengthy set-ups and chosing participants. I also didn't like the self hyping he's so into. We arrived about 30 min prior to show start and were entertained with clips from all over about how fabulous he is. Then, mid way through the show he jokes about how much he's praising himself and shows a 5 minute video of various tv shows and movies mentioning him name. Can you say douche chills ? Overall I liked the 4 illusions I saw, but I did feel there was alot of wasted 'filler'.
by fjrgirl
Mon May 14 2007Saw his show last night, 1.5 hours, .5 of which was film about how great he is! Totally full of himself. Only did 3 illusions worth anything and the rest was a bunch of corny jokes. Waste of money.
by mahalo182
Sun Mar 18 2007Worst show ever. Want my money back. L O N G and Boring
by qwreagtdfhg
Thu Mar 01 2007Just saw him, could not wait for it to be over. He is hackey and boring and I saw better magic on a Carnival cruise
by gummybear
Sat Feb 24 2007His show is way over rated. The show I saw last month was exactly the same as the one I went two years ago. One would hope that he would have come up with something new after two long years... Just a cash cow for him. What a waste of money.