Rescue Clean Scoop UltraLite Cat Litter
Approval Rate: 69%
Reviews 0
by furryfeline1
Sun Jul 25 2010Great litter. Kills the stink. Rusty and Pepper love it, easy to lift weighs nothing. Only problem is that its hard to find. Anyone know where I can get it locally? Used to be in Walmart, no more tho.
by jlmaxwel
Mon Oct 13 2008I can not find it .... rescue clean scoop
by pmc922
Sun Aug 10 2008I love this litter. especially for my Bunny's cage. She is in the house and it dramatically help with the musky odor,she does not have to step in as she has an elevated pan, I can go three to four days inbetween cage cleanings. My cats don't mind it at all, I have a friend that one of her three won't use it, however the orange scent is not a problem for mine. the best thing is the light weight, disposal is so much easier. I have found that people love it or hate it and I feel thaat people who don't like it should not enable those of us who do from being able to purchase it!Some retailers are no longer carrying it. If you hate just don't use it,
by lmasters
Wed Aug 06 2008I like how light it is and it seems to last longer then other liters before changing the liter. I guess each cat is different. My cat seems to be fine with it. I've used it before and could not find the product again so I had to use something else. I've found it again and am pleased so far. Now I can't find it again. Where do you find it? WalMart runs out fast.
by carrollcountyk_id
Mon Jul 14 2008This is really good stuff. Whenever I plan a booze party, of course, I must have a lot of grizz handy for the gang to dip after they get going. I buy a silo of grizz and then empty each can the grizz and throw it in a coffee can. I then mix in this cat litter and the grizz, half and half. I have extra grizz cans around the house, and I fill each can with the grizz-cat litter mix. After the gang gets drunk, they don't know the difference. It doesn't taste that bad once you get used to it.
by scrappykatz
Fri Jul 11 2008BEWARE - environmental friendly does not mean this product is safe of animals. Notice no mention of "safe to use for animals" on the packaging and also no mention of what the contents are made of. Keep in mind cats clean themselves after they use the litter box and no doubt ingest this stuff. It looks just like the additives they put in soil to keep it moist.
by meliej
Wed Apr 23 2008this is wonderful litter, it is very light and smells great, is biodegradable and my cat loves it. the best i have used
by aspenlover
Fri Dec 28 2007Awesome litter, my grandma loves that is so light and it really absorbs the smells. The orange smell makes the room smell fresh too. Aspen her cat loves it too. Best litter we ever used!
by lilisa
Wed Oct 10 2007This had to be the ABSOLUTE WORST litter I have ever used! Save yourself time and $. It clames that "nothing controls odors better" and that it "lasts for 1 month and up" OHHHH MAN is that a LIE!!! I emptied my old litter out and put this Rescue CleanScoop litter in on Monday, Tuesday nite there was a awful poop smell emitting through the whole house. I went in to clean it out and there was only ONE poop in there. SO I decited to put some of my old USED litter on top of it witch had helped the odor some. The next day when I woke up the whole house smelled again. I went in to clean it, this time the whole room smelled of poop AND urine. I had to hold my breath and cover my nose with my shirt while sifting through it, (which by the way is really hard to do I don't know if it is just too light or what, but it takes forever to sift it) The bottle says that "sifting each day refreshes the orange scent" HA!! MY A** all it does is stirr up the urine smell my nose burned soo bad and I was ga... Read more
by miracle84
Wed Sep 12 2007NO STARS. NEGATIVE STARS. this stuff nearly killed my cat. never ever ever ever ever use it. 2 days after she started using it she started to pee blood. it gave her cystitis from all the dust getting into her urinary tract. this is the worst litter ever. if you care about your cat do not. DO NOT USE THIS LITTER. aside from nearly killing my cat, she wouldnt use the box half the time because of the terrible smell, and i think everyone else is right about citrus repelling cats, she hated to use her box. AGAIN DONT EVER USE THIS LITTER. IT IS SOOOO HARMFUL.
by muscratpendrag_on
Thu Aug 23 2007The SMELL is GONE for the first time in my house. 3 1/2 cats live here, so it's definitely a testament! Granted I still have 1 of the 3 litter trays as a 1/2 and 1/2 for their adjustment. That's an important step for this litter. My mum say that 1/2 and 1/2 approach kills the smell without detering her cats too much. Even just a little in with clay cat litter helps. Worth a try, I think!
by momofhlp
Tue May 22 2007I hate this product! My cats hated the orange smell and one of them ended up urinating in the house to avoid using the cat litter. The white pellets were tracked all over the carpet and stairs and since they are white they really show up on the carpet. When I changed the litter pan my eyes and throat burned from the odor of urine mixed with the orange scent. It is a horrible product. I'm taking my unused bottle of litter back to the store for a refund.
by cooperabc
by himalayanbreed_er
Fri Oct 13 2006I am a woman with many problems-both physical (osteoporosis) and mental. I found an ultra-light litter from Dr. Foster & Smith that helps my back. Rescue ultra lite litter is absolutely great! Waste products are easily cleaned out without using up so much litter. They are other products that are cheaper but they are very heavy. I hope if enough people start buying it, the price will go down - Himalayan Breeder
by tubaryan12
Sat Sep 09 2006This is, without question, the worse cat litter on the market that I have tried. It lasted exactly 4 days! I came in the house at about 10 pm and went directly to Walmart to buy something else. I would rate it a zero stars but they won't let me. DO NOT BUY THIS STUFF!!!!!
by elisebeth
Mon Aug 28 2006Absolutely horrid. No "fresh orange scent" does not block the smell of urine, is dusty and messy. Also, unless you have a VERY large slotted sifter you cannot sift through this styrafoan wanna be cat litter. What a waste of almost $10.00. It has only been 1 week and I need to dump the whole freaking box - one month my rear end! And yes, I only have 1 cat and he is fixed!One last thought... why no 800 # for us to call and complain???
by sunnyt
Fri Aug 04 2006I can not believe they charge this much for this product. IT STINKS! And I can not find the company online to tell them so. I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!!!!
by linda28334
Tue Jun 13 2006best cat litter rver used
by parmcin
Sun Jan 29 2006I liked the orange scent..but my cats did not. They avoid this stuff like the plague...except to rake it out onto the floor in an apparent act of defiance...they won't do their business in it. I wouldn't recommend this product. If anyone knows of a safe cat litter that cats will actually use...I'd love to hear of it.
by triciacarter
Fri Jan 06 2006I agree. This stuff is terrible. My Cat hates it. she pooped on the floor insted of getting in the litter!! I want a refund. But I have been unable to locate the manufacurers phone or web page. YUCK. tricia carter
by neverbuythis
Tue Oct 11 2005This stuff is terrible! The dust is really bad! Cats don't like the scent (orange). It doesn't scoop well. It also tracks out of the litter box too, kinda sticks to their hair. No wonder they don't put an address, phone # or email address on their pkg...they'd have too many complaints to handle. I will never ever buy this again!
by catmomma
Thu Oct 06 2005I really REALLY wish I could give a rating below 1 star!! This has got to be the nastiest stuff I have ever used. It absolutely DOES NOT control urine odor and after my cat uses the box, he reaks of this odor something terrible. On top of that, my cat now has conjunctivitis and I honestly feel like it's from the buckets of dust that have been thrown around whenever it's stirred up.
by powderpuffed
Fri Sep 30 2005This is probably the worst product I've ever purchased. I cannot believe the amount of dust it produces! When I scoop the litter box it was like a dust storm in the Sahara. The litter box is in the closet of my spare bedroom and there is an opening about the size of a cat door for them to get in and out. The entire room is covered in a layer of dust. It looks like CSI was in here dusting for prints. It was trailed from one end of my house to the other and each one of my three beautiful Siamese cats is covered in dust! I can smell it on their coats. They also apparently hated the feel of it on their paws. The mat outside the closet got dragged across the room for the FIRST time ever. I am going to look online for the address of this company and ask for a refund which I have never done before with anything. I am incredibly disappointed. Also, two days after allowing this dust bowl into my home I have come down with bronchitis. This is the first time I've had it in years. Co... Read more
by noscent
Wed Sep 14 2005I don't like that it's an orange scent. My Momma cat and her kittens don't like to go to the litter box now. Can they make it unscented and still do the stink busting job?
by nuclearglowboy
Thu Aug 18 2005I have had cats all my life and I am nearly 40. I have tried several types of cat litter and try to find what is not only best for me but also for my cats...for me it has been clumping cat litter multi cat formula. For my cats that is supposed to be not good because of the dust. This product from clean scoop seemed to be from description the best of both worlds... For my cats it is not. It did not control the odor at all--NOT AT ALL. I have cats that are 14 and 15 years old and after two days of having this product in the box (scooped out each day) they decided to let me know that they hate this stuff and for the first time in their lives decided to use the floor next to the litter box. Will not purchase again and would like to find the company address to request a refund. I am glad it works for some--wonder if they work for the company though as it really is the worst stuff I ever used.
by adgirl7579
Wed Jul 27 2005I actually have rabbits and need to be careful not to get clumping litter as it can go up the urethras. This litter is AWESOME! My rabbits leave it alone and don't scratch at it (like they do when they don't like a brand) and it takes away ALL the SMELLS!!!!! EXCELLENT!!!!
by jsample
Wed Jul 06 2005This is the worst cat litter we have tried. Its only pro is that it is light. One small jug is supposed to last one month and also control odors. I put it in the litter box--3 inches--it says at least 2 inches, put it in Monday night before I went to bed. Came home from work Tuesday night and the house stunk so bad I had to carry the litter box outside. I dumped the litter in a garbage bag, sprayed out the box and still need to wash it because the litter box still smells. Not sure what but something definitely reacted with our cats urine.
by emmygirl
Sun Jun 19 2005This is the best cat litter we have used, have two cats and it removes the odor and urine just great. For thos whose cat did not like it, who is in charge at your house? Dave, sorry about not getting paid, did you get a lawyer? For others who did not like it, what other brand do you think is better and why?
by itseemstowork
Wed Mar 30 2005So far, so good. The smell is pretty good. Better then most of the liters I've used. It took awhile for (Lexus) to jump in and do his thing but he did. He seems to have adjusted pretty well. I hope he continues to use it. I poured a small amount of Arm & Hammer Pet Fresh on the bottom and at the top just to give it an extra clean scent. It also helps from sticking at the bottom. :)
by joyann
Sun Mar 27 2005if i could give this no stars i would my cat hated it. she like many cats does not like citrus (orange the worse). in fact they make orange smelling sprays to keep cats away from things they made this for people not cats i was stupid and did not read the carton ,it was easter weekend, and i could not find anyone open to buy some other litter , my poor cat would not even go near her box. i had to wash it before she would and found so old stuff i had dumped out by the barn and took my chance it was safe and brought it in. she had to use it untill i could go to the bigger city to find cat litter (on easter weekend) took away time from my grandkids
by dncawthon
Sat Mar 05 2005This stuff is terrible. It's good at odor control and it is ultralite but that's it. 1 jug is supposed to last 1 month for 1 cat. I have 1 cat and the jug did not even last a week. It did not soak up liquid, which poured out of the litter box when I emptied it. SAVE YOUR MONEY
by beeline4feline
Mon Oct 04 2004Best cat litter I ever used! No more stink! Don't have to remove pee clumps! My 4 cats love it!
by dave_mitchell
Mon Sep 06 2004I am complaining about the company not the product. I did the package design for them and never got paid. Please do not buy their product and support them. Dave Mitchell Matrix Design
by vonbruin
Sat Aug 21 2004We have 14 indoor only cats and that means a lot of litter boxes. After using the first jug of this stuff I've got an order in for 30 more. The cats love it! It stayed fresh through two weeks, and it was one jug in three of the litterboxes (we have 9 boxes throughout the house). The cats used it and seemed to prefer it. Now to just find a mail order source.
by azurine
by gumpie13
Tue Feb 03 2004Works on the odor so well, no one will know you have a cat!