DeVry University

Approval Rate: 74%

74%Approval ratio

Reviews 47

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    Thu Mar 29 2012

    DeVry intentionally misrepresents their Engineering Technology programs as Engineering degrees. Engineering Technology is a technician field, they assist engineers and assemble their designs. They do not solve problems or do any actual engineering. DeVry lies about this, they represent themselves as an engineering school to get more students. They claim that they are ABET accredited like other schools which is a half-truth because they are accredited for different things. ABET does technology and engineering. The curriculum is miles behind a real engineering degree, they do very little theory and almost no math. If you want to do Engineering Technology DeVry might be a good option but if you want to be an engineer stay away from DeVry. The only reason I know of to do Engineering Technology is if you hate math and can't do a real engineering program. In summary: Engineers, stay as far away from DeVry as you can and go to a real engineering school.

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    Thu Mar 08 2012

    Okay, so I'm about 3 classes away from my Associates in Networking, have gotten an A in all classes except one B. Devry is a good choice for someone that already has working knowledge in the classes they are taking. The instruction provided is subpar, I agree that the posts can be rather excessive but it does make you delve into the topic and think. The main complaint is the instruction, I'm going for CIS, but there is very little in the way of instruction, you can get the exact same knowledge from buying th book alone and reading verses buying thr book and paying way too high of class fees. I should have gone to ITT like I originally considered, I think they were actually a little more in cost but they had more onsite and hands on. In my opinion Devry is a ripoff, sure you can get a degree while only attending class one day a week then online posting, but you better be working in ythe field of study or at least previously had.

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    Mon Dec 05 2011

    I graduated on February 4, 2011, from Full Sail University with my Master’s degree in Entertainment Business. I did the online course due in part that I reside in Cleveland, Ohio and it was phenomenal! Excellent course material, excellent course instructors and assistant course instructors, and I left with a wealth of knowledge. The coursework is very strenuous due to it being an accelerated program. There is absolutely no room for procrastination. If you procrastinate just a tad, you will fall behind, and your grades will reflect this. From the get-go when the first course commences, it is non-stop learning at a fast pace and YOU MUST have self-discipline! My only negative comment would be that I wish there was the option to engage in this Master’s degree program on a non-accelerated rate, a normal program duration. I wish that the program was more than (12) months. There is such a wealth of information, and for a new course starting each month, it is difficult to retain all of the ... Read more

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    Thu Sep 08 2011

    My husband enrolled at DeVry and was very excited to complete his college education. He was proactive about contacting admissions counselors and finacial aid reps and taking care of everything they passed his way. However, he has now withdrawn from all classes at a huge cost to us because he no longer wants to even be associated with the school. We should have known from the beginning that things were fishy when we were told that some of the admissions information was incorrect because his first AC had been fired for unethically filing paperwork in order to meet his "quota" of enrolled students. When my husband did begin classes, his admissions counselor, Kyle Harris worked with him to sign up for 2 classes. My husband was nervous about 2 classes because he travels a lot of work and we have a 2 month old baby at home, but he was told he could withdraw from one of the classes if it seemed like too much at once. After just a few days of trying to attend both classes, my husband wa... Read more

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    Tue Jul 26 2011

    I was a student at Devry in North Brunswick nj campus, and it was the worse school in the United States. They have no respect for me in the 2nd floor where Devry employer's name Lisa Lyle and Matt Furlong are treating me as a very disrespected way and blaming me like I did everything wrong, which I never did something I didn't do as a student. They lie to me about things I didn't do, so that they could set me up to try to rid of me from that school, which means they try to kick me out of that school. Those two Devry employee's are biggest jokes ever and very evil, hatetriatic people I ever seen in any colleges. Also, in admission reps are bunch of jokes, because all they care about is making money by bring any students into the school. You could be the dummest person in this country and get in to that school. Just open the front door and you are accepted to that Devry idiot school. What a joke calling them self University! so that, they think they could bring more people in that place ... Read more

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    Tue Jun 14 2011

    I would just like to give current and potential students a heads up, DeVry is run by a lot of incompetent individual especially in Pennsylvania. 1. They have taken away credit that i transferred in from my AS that were given to me when i first registered. 2. They did not keep up with my degree program credits. They have in their database giving me credit for one class and now are telling me i have to take it over again. 3. I was told i only had 4 classes left and was supposed to graduate this June, now that i made a big deal about that one class they want me to take over suddenly i have 4 more classes i have to take. I am in the process of reporting these things to the State Board of Ed and the Federal board of Ed and local TV and News stations if I cannot get any help from the latter. If anyone has a similar story please contact me ([email protected]). All I have to say is be careful and do a grade audit every other semester and if you’re thinking about going think har... Read more

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    Thu Apr 28 2011

    I am a DeVry student and i have found it great so far. I have heard people saying bad things about DeVry that it a profit school. I want to back up this, in this world there is no one who does anything without profit, because we all need money for living. Even Cal State charges you for your BS or MS its not free. People say that it has more kind of professional environment rather than academic. I want to back up this, that when we apply for a job and we go for man interview do we go in our t shirt and jeans. No never because we think that it would look unprofessional and the supervisor would think that what kind of person he is. He does not know how to come in an interview how would he work in my company. In DeVry everyone wants to learn and if it is expensive you would pay it off. Another thing Devry makes you study every day, because they have a system made in such a way that if you do not study you would be way behind from other students. According to me it depends on the studen... Read more

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    Mon Mar 14 2011

    The only degree you can get at Devry is a BS degree for Bull Shit. They are top notch sales executives and very good at taking you money. The staff is clearly young. I hate to be negative but I just wasted my life savings and my financial aid which is devastating and I want to help someone else from making that same mistake. As for me I discovered how awful Devry was right away but I was determined to get my degree so after my first week I knew one thing, I should have trusted my gut. They make you take fake courses to get more money. The technology is very poor, it is less advanced than my community college was 12 years ago. The local community colleges were more challenging and better for adults hectic life. THIS SCHOOL IS NOT ADULT FRIENDLY. Yes is is 100% online but you have to log on three times a week and post twice on three different days to each of the two or three discussions, so the math is ridiculous, you have to make up to 15 discussion posts??? That is inane. No where in c... Read more

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    Tue Feb 15 2011

    I have to put my two cents in. DeVry has it ups and downs like any other school, but DeVry is the first school that place me in the working world. When I go online to review career posts I notice that fortune 500 companies are looking for a degree along with experience. DeVry makes the effort to not only give you the credentials but to also provide you with career services for the experience. I went to a traditional college and dropped out because of the social environment, but at DeVry working while going to school is consider cool. I understand that the tuition is high but I rather have a high tuition with a career at the end of the tunnel then an low tuition with just the bill at the end of the tunnel. Students need to face it with this economy employers are not looking for the brand name but for the experience along with creds. People need to stop crying and start trying to get their foot in the door while they are "just students". Its experience, experience, experience that makes ... Read more

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    Sat Feb 05 2011

    My personal thoughts and suggestions on the matter education and Devry. I attended Devry in the early 80's and thought is was a good School. But not Today, Having lived life and having attended a real university on campus for many years I came to realize the disadvantages in making a for profit school your alma mater over a traditional college. Devry in this case. The following is what I wish someone would have council me with back in 1981. Listen to me son . . who you need to be is a well rounded person, cultured, and simply get more out of learning and life itself, you need to attend a real college and stay on campus. You will make friends for life, forge an identity with the college, Know that you have an Authentic degree, graduating from a traditional college will enable you to feel at home and accepted among those with equal higher education. Studying in liberal arts will not only be very interesting but, will greatly increase your mental strength to think, making up for wh... Read more

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    Sun Jan 30 2011

    As other people have mentioned DeVry is first and foremost a business. As a publicly traded company they are bound to do what is in the best interest of their shareholders. Which include officers of the company. So that means that they will skimp if not downright be gut resources to students. Instructors are by and large poorly compensated and therefore they attract poorly qualified instructors. There is a tremendous churn in the teaching ranks at Devry as many quit because of the poor pay and poor conditions. To say something is bad one must compare it to something else. In Devry's case we have to compare it to two other institutions. First other public and private educational institutions that are non-profit. First Tuitions at Devry is very expensive. Sixteen thousand for a full year. In State tuition at most universities run much less. Even private colleges charge less, far less than Devry. Devry will compare their tuition to other institutions but that includes everything. Tui... Read more

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    Tue Jan 25 2011

    Do I think Devry is a joke? Yes, I do. And I also think all of the idiots that attended Devry and are on these forums complaining about the staff and teachers really shouldn't be complaining about Devry. You are no better than Devry for attending. And also, you sound like a bunch of little scorned girls. Devry is a business. They have no admissions standards. A three year old monkey named "lu lu" could probably get admitted if she could afford to pay for their over priced degrees. And I am pretty certain that if she participated she would pass with a 3.5 GPA. Devry's bottom line is making it rain "dollar dollar bills ya'll." I also want to say how funny these people on this forum are that have decided to defend devry. Listen, I won't judge you. I got it. You paid 60 thousand dollars for a degree that isnt regionally accredited, you still live with your mom, and you work at the quick stop. There is no shame in that brother, at least you are working. I won't judge you for making 7 dol... Read more

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    Mon Jan 24 2011

    Ok I go to Devry Manhattan so I must be having a different experience. Firstly most of my teachers teach not only at DeVry but other schools around the area, FIT, CUNY, NYU, New School, etc. Second the new Campus on 34th st is amazing, magnetic locking glass doors with key card entry, all Brand new Dell computers on all 9 floors, 52 inch plasmas in the lounges, downloadable books in the tuition, projectors in every classroom, the food is crappy on campus though. DeVry does market to a certain demographic but that's just good business. The school functions so that you can go to work while going to school. Or in my case since i have the G.I. Bill have an internship while you go to school. DeVry builds on the knowledge of the field that your already in or planning on going into. I personally am going for project management with a focus in marketing. I want to be a talent agent, yes the classes are kinda easy but then again I'm kinda smart. I know college isn't the magic pill, there are ... Read more

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    Sat Jan 22 2011

    I'm currently attending at Devry for HIT or Health Information Technology which I'm 9 classes away from finishing the program. I'm not quite sure if I should pursue it or change the school and major since I've heard a lot of negativity of Devry. Anyone who's any experienced with HIT professionals or attended or attending devry for that Degree, please share your thoughts...

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    Wed Jan 19 2011

    I attended DeVry at two seperate locations for almost a full year, and took both blended (online w/ classroom instruction) and pure online classes for a BS in Computer Engineering. I already have two degrees from two other schools, and have taken many classes both online and in residence at other colleges. Overall, Devry proved itself to be unprofessional and under par in almost every respect. They enforce standards only as they pertain to their own policies, not to ensure quality education. The teachers I worked with were either under-qualified to teach, or they ignored students as they sped through material in an eight week course. That being said, the classes are not especially hard or easy. The difficulty is in keeping up with absurd mandatory requirements, such as regurgitating math problem solutions multiple times on online discussion boards; or having 4 seperate methods of submitting homework for a single class. The cirriculum is outdated in almost every course. When I... Read more

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    Fri Jan 07 2011

    The only good thing about Devry are the teachers and not even all of them are good. We share the school with Chamberlain which is a nursing college and they seem to be taking over the school. Eventually the networking lab and half of the computer lab will be theirs. The electronics lab is being taken out for more admissions offices and the college itself seems to be going towards a more business oriented college. Cons- seems to care more about students that arent there yet - taking away space that was once reserved for electronic majors and networking majors - classrooms are becoming over crowded Pros- a few very knowledgable teachers

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    Tue Jan 04 2011

    Accreditation is the key to every school. DeVry is NOT regionally accredited. They are accredited by some sort of, "for profit" agency but not through the 6 regional accreditation agencies. That said..... STAY AWAY AT ALL COST. Your $ is best put to use elsewhere. As for the people giving Devry 5 stars, either they're paid to do so or they're done by the executives and directors of DeVry. Yes, I do believe DeVry is more of a "corporated" school than a "academic" school. If you want true quality education, at the very least, attend a regionally accredited school. If I'm an hiring manager, I rather hire a 2.5 GPA from the top 200 universities in America than a 4.0 student from DeVry.

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    Sat Dec 25 2010

    I used to work for Devry as an admissions advisor. I even took a few classes at Keller for my MBA. I have seen what this school is like from both sides, as a student and employee. It is not a good school and i would highly recommend you go elsewhere. I quit my job at DeVry due to moral and ethical issues i faced on a daily basis. In admissions all that mattered was that you get the student to go to the school. Yes they had a code of conduct, but there were so many ways to get around it. DeVry is not a school; it is a corporation that is looking to please its stockholders, not its students.

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    Sun Dec 12 2010

    I am a DeVry student... and I love it. I love how flexable they are. I love that my teahers take the time to leave me comments on my work, and some even give us their home numbers in case we have a question. I have all of their e-mails, and they have all got back to me that day, or the next, when I have sent them one. I adore how fast paced my classes are as well. I disagree with the negative posts. When I called about the school they got back to me via phone in only a couple days. They had me in classes in less than two months. I only pay $535 per credit hour, only $10 more than my local State school.

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    Wed Dec 01 2010

    I have been going to DeVry since July of 2007. I took a year off and am still going to be graduating next year with all of my friends who did the Cal State thing. I love DeVry and my experience there. I am 21 years old and am already making 56K a year. I put on my resume that I have a "Bachelor's Degree in Progress Expected Graduation Date: 2011" and I have landed several interviews. I haven't had any bad experiences so far and I am 3 years into it. Love it, love it love it. I would recomend it to anyone who just wants to "get in, get out and start making money!!!" :)

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    Tue Nov 30 2010

    Sadly DeVry should have stayed a Technical school. In that regard they were respected, and their graduates were respected. HOWEVER, when they launched into Bachelor and Masters Programs they became a joke, to the point where they are regularly made fun of on the Simpson’s and Family Guy. There are several employers and hiring managers, as well as recruiters (trust me I know) who will not grant DeVry graduates even an interview. Save your money and time and go to a reputable school with a Degree that's useful and respected, and less costly!!!! What the people of this opinion are trying to do is help people who are thinking of going to DeVry or are early on in their programs there. This is their future, and their money. Again I promise you.....what I've said is true!!

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    Sun Oct 31 2010

    I make 6 figures a year thanks to Devry and a 3.8 GPA in BS-EET that i worked my A** off for. During my time I saw students that wasted money attending dervy and they complained all the time when they get poor grades, i guess you can find this kind of students from any school. But I loved it and I will recommend it to anyone. My only complain is that they should start offering a Full BS-EE program so you can transfer to another school for MS degree without having to take bridge courses.

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    Sun Oct 31 2010

    I have a DeVry BSEET (Phx) and a UoP MBA (Online). I earn a six figure base salary and have had successful careers in three challenging industries over more than fifteen years. I find it interesting that many who complain about their DeVry education have a problem with basic written English. Study harder, interview well, perform well for your employer and quit complaining about your lack of academic or industry performance. Before DeVry I attended several traditional State and private colleges and universities both as a full time student and as a part time student running my own $1,000,000.00 per year business. All were good schools but none had what I would consider effective academic advisers, effective student support services or adequate course availability. For profit accredited schools have two products. The education they sell to their students and students that they market to industry. The education has to be viable and the graduates have to be capable or these companies w... Read more

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    Mon Oct 25 2010

    It's a great school. I graduated from Devry in 1990 in Electronics and did not have any problems finding a job. I'm currenlty working for a well known European company for over 6 years. Just think about it , Devry used to be a Technical school and now is a University. It's also the parent organization for Ross University, Apollo College, Western Career College, Chamberlain College of Nursing I have decided to go back to Devry to obtain my Bachelor degree in Techincal management.

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    Fri Oct 15 2010

    My comments are based solely on my status as an adult returning student. If you are 18 and your parents are going to pay for your college, you aren't interested in the normal college experience, and you want to get out fast, go to DeVry or a like school. I was at DeVry the first time, years ago, but just don't recognize the place anymore. Quality has suffered horribly over the years in my opinion.... What can I say, just not a good deal anymore...... go to a cheap Jr. College and plan well, then go to a state school and finish. They are all very likely to have far higher standards than at present day DeVry for far far far less money. A DeVry degree just doesn't carry the clout that its price tag says it should and in these days of cutbacks it might not make sense.

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    Wed Oct 06 2010

    I have been attending DeVry since 2007 part-time on and off--but to be perfectly honest, I don't have any BAD to say about DeVry. I'm transferring to another school only because DeVry is TOO expensive. I'm just trying to get my first degree. I really don't want to pay 67K for it. I'm in my second year and by the time I finish, I will run out of financial aid before I graduate. I just recommend to anyone, to not spend so much money/getting some many loans for just a bachelor's degree--not worth it. DeVry has a great program but I just can't see myself having over 40K or more in student loan for just one degree..

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    Tue Oct 05 2010

    Don't waste your money. You can pay $50,000 for an Associates degree at Devry, or $5000 for a more respected Associates degree at your local community college. They are FOR PROFIT, which means, not FOR STUDENTS. This place is a complete joke. Your "admission advisor" is actually a sales person, and you signing up means they get to keep their job. It's sick and sad. Hopefully theyll lose their accreditation. DO NOT GO TO SCHOOL HERE!

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    Sat Oct 02 2010

    Don’t go to Devry. I am an actual graduate and will try my very best to keep everyone from going there. They are not a goog school at all. You won’t learn half as much as if you went to a state university. I had a Dean teach one of my classes and it was the worst experience of my life. He didn’t know s***. I graduated and never got a job. They claim that they have a 90% placement rate but it includes anyone that is working even if it’s not in their field. If you work at Mcdonalds you are part of the 90%. Hooray!! That’s what they don’t tell you. Biggest mistake of my life. My career services advisor never helped me either. She created a resume for me that was immediately changed when I went to a temp place. Never heard from her again even after sending several e-mails. Took all the money they could get and cut ties. Actually, the only calls I get now are from Keller telling me I should enroll if I'm having trouble finding a job. I hate myself for going to this school. What is a person ... Read more

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    Wed Sep 29 2010

    I've been to the University of Phonix, University of Maryland (Europe Division), Austin Peay State University and now I'm attending DeVry University. So far my experience with DeVry has been the best compared to the other Universities I have attended. I'm taking classes online, the classes seem to be a bit challenging but that's what I expected. My administation advisor has been so helpful and so was my financial advisor. I have nothing but positive things to say. They have helped me each step of the way, I mean, when it comes to my classes it's on me to do good/bad. I seen a couple bad ratings on here and I don't everyone to think that DeVry is a bad school. Personally, this is the best school that I've attended, I plan on graduating with my bachelor's degree in two years then my MBA in four years. I look foward to becoming an alumni of DeVry University.

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    Sun Sep 05 2010

    I so sick of these cry babies whining why they failed or why the administration is bad wahh wahh!! Please shut the F***** up and grow up. Its the person not the school thats dictates success. Yes I agree there are some bad teachers at devry, but there are bad teachers in every school. I have encountered the best and worst at devry and to me it just doesn't matter. If I get a bad teacher then All i do is adjust and move on. BAd teaches just make me work a little harder to learn. Do I make any excuses "OH I had a bad teacher and I failed." Maybe your just not cut out to be in a certain program. Theres nothing wrong with that just be truthful to yourself.

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    Mon Aug 30 2010

    I am very impressed with the quality of the education received at Devry University, but unfortunately their tuition for students is too high. I am active duty in the military so I am charged less than half of normal tuition so that I can go there. I am very impressed with my teachers. Many of my teachers have had doctorates and much experience in their field. My Health and Wellness class was taught by a medical doctor, my ethics class was taught by a practicing attorney and graduate from Notre Dame. The teachers are passionate about their teaching and I have learned priceless lessons. If anyone is considering going there, make sure you get an associates degree from community college first.

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    Mon Aug 09 2010

    Best school

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    Sat Jul 24 2010

    DeVry is a complete waste of money and time ! They might have had a decent reputation in the past like 10-15 years ago but now they hire anyone with a masters degree. They even hire company executives who have lost their own job positions and businesses due to poor performances but are now hired to teach core business courses at their schools. DeVry needs a complete overhaul starting from the top down to the staff that hires these losers. There is definitely a lack of government regulation and intervention over businesses like DeVry who make themselves rich by collecting student's scholarships and grant money. It's no wonder they hire their own students as staff when they can't get a job elsewhere. Do yourself a favor and steer far away from this dishonest business. Trust me, You'll thank yourself in the end. And if you still decide to enroll at DeVry just ask each Professor when they update their own level of education but don't be surprised when they tell you they got their degree ... Read more

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    Sat Jul 17 2010

    All ex-military do not waste you time or money at Devry. They may have professionals in the important classes but you still have to take all the core classes like English and humanities. I was tricked by all the fancy commercials about graduates hired by industry leaders. They say these core classes make you a well rounded student. But the fact is that most of the professors are realizing that this failed economy affects every sector even education, when they are asked to teach more for less hours. This institution just recently instituted a standard operating procedure across the country, I had a problem with an unorganized English professor, who gave me a “D” on the first paper half way through the course but I am an “A” student. It started the first week of class when she was changing the grading syllabus and it was unpopulated. By the night of class it was all drawn out, for the first three weeks we were in high school again doing writing stuff, and having discussions about perspe... Read more

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    Wed Jul 14 2010

    First off, I'm not going to tell you DeVry's perfect, but I'll tell you right now that anytime you have these forums, you mostly get negativity, so I am actually impressed that there are so many who take time to post something positive (can't remember the last time I posted a positive review till now). That said, I think the main reason DeVry is doing so well and enrollment is at a record high is due to the fact that they fill a void that community colleges and traditional schools just don't fill. I'm not going to list everything, but speed to graduation, career services, online/onsite flexibility, experienced professors, and they've kept there "nose" clean in the midst of other unethical for-profit school scandals. The school goes out of their way to be compliant with state and federal regulations. The problems I am noticing is that you may not always get a consistant Academic Advisor or experienced and knowledgable financial aid advisor. The professors come with experience whi... Read more

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    Fri Jul 09 2010

    I have been going to Devry, both online and on campus for 5 years. I know it sounds like forever, and at times I feel as if it has been forever, but I am taking one class at a time. Part of those 5 years I was in the military and only had the time for one class. I have since retired and still have time for only one class at a time as I have 3 kids and a full time job. Having said all that, Devry isn't that bad. I had issues at the beginning with the finance people. I now understand it was my fault and their fault. They didn't explain very well the GI Bill "stuff" and I didn't know what to ask to get it explained. I have since ironed out the problems and things have gone quite well. The professors are more than a building full of academics; they have real world experience in business and various computer related industries. Every business prof. I have had except 2, have been in corporate America or have owned their own business. This was above and beyond their education. Rea... Read more

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    Tue Jul 06 2010

    I am investigating DeVry currently, as a transfer with about 55 credits. The reason I am considering this school is because there are no other schools in my area (Austin, Texas) that offer a degree with a major in technical writing. There are other courses I could take, but the classes do not seem to fit the bill for what I'm looking for. So, I found Devry. After talking with an admissions person, I can see how this school has it's roots in technical training. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. The reviews on this site are not exactly glowing, but they are mixed. I was hoping someone might have an opinion as to why the reviews are all over the board. Is it the type of degree program as well as location that makes such a huge difference? I have not noticed anything on here yet about Austin. Also, does anyone have any experience with trying to find a job with a DeVry degree? How do employers view this school?

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    Tue Jul 06 2010

    I am a current student and the ONLY reason I am still there is that it would be too much trouble to transfer my GI benefits and financial aid to another institution. The administration is weak and condescending. If you need a counselor, then I hope you get Jason since the other person is worthless! The instructors are a hit and miss. You may get someone who actually knows what they are teaching, but more often than not you will get someone who justs reads powerpoints. (this is for the on-site courses) If you take the courses on campus (Cincinnati) then you have to do all the online curriculum also, so you might as well save some drive time and gas and just take the courses online. The school forces you to get your textbooks via online delivery through MYSCRIBE, this may be okay if you can read from a computer screen for hours on end, but if not then I would check another school. You can purchase book separately, but you still pay for the online book and then you pay for the hard copy t... Read more

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    Mon Jul 05 2010

    Why does DeVry have the highest dropout rate among for profit schools? Are their teachers that bad? Or is it because their systems are terrible and shut down so frequently? And how come DeVry grads have the biggest challenges in getting hired? Do employers really recognize this school at all? I know people who graduated from University of Phoeniz, loved the experience, got excellent training, and found work right after graduation. What is DeVry's problem? Sounds like it is DeVry specific and not the fault of the industry as a whole or the students who put their heart and soul into studying btw apparently went with the wrong school. Sort of like trying to make a long distance trip by car with a vehicle that is a clunker. DESIRE, MOTIVATION and INTEREST btw wrong choice of tools.

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    Sun Jun 20 2010

    Okay, first important thing I must ask of you people who are actually complaining that DeVry University is a bad school, have you even ever entered into a class at a campus or did an online class and actually finished it? By finishing I mean actually putting effort and doing your work and actually GRADUATING from DeVry University? ha I bet more then half of the people talking bad about DeVry just stained their panties. Be for real, stop complaining most of your just like starting flame wars and seeing how far it can go, others are followers instead of leaders. I haven't started DeVry yet, my first class starts July 5 at the Orlando, Florida campus, Ohhhh!!! about DeVry not having a library....I sure enough seen one at the campus I'm going to so...ughhhh yeah you failed there buddy. I'm going to DeVry for BCIS (Business Computer Information System) if anyone on here is currently in CIS or done CIS at DeVry can you please get in contact with me and give me some few pointers, I would appr... Read more

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    Sat Jun 12 2010

    Let us all stop and take a look at the opinions posted below on this blog about Devry University. If you notice, all of the comments (or most) that give Devry University a, "good" rating are students that are enrolled in the technical field. This may be why they are giving the school such a good rating. I do not see anyone giving it a good rating in the business degree program, I wonder why? If you want to know the real scoop keep reading. Devry University is a good school if you plan on getting a degree in computers. Although even if you are enrolled in computers most of you will have issues with administration and their accidental, "Attendence mistakes", The financial department, teachers who do not care and barely retaining any information from each class to progress in your chosen field. If you are going to get a business degree I highly recommend choosing a different school and here is why. Devry states that within 6 months 93 percent of their students will find a job with... Read more

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    Thu Jun 10 2010

    I get into this debate with people all the time. Bottom line: the campus I attended has the same accreditation as Penn State University for the Engineering Technology curriculum. The masters program I'm working on now is one of the few to be certified by the Project Management Institute. They don't just hand these things out, and if they do, then blame the regulations too. That being said, onto why I say it's just okay. I will back every professor I have had since 2005 (with a few exceptions mind you). My favorite professor through the undergrad program has a doctorate in Electrical Engineering and works at the patent office on top of being a full time professor at DeVry. Very rarely will you be taught, and have extended interactions with, a Doctorate of EE at a traditional school. The only sad thing about this professor is that he overqualified himself for a lot of work and is stuck teaching. However, the administration (Again with a few exceptions), career services, recruiters, f... Read more

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    Tue Jun 08 2010

    I attended a normal community college and had to attend classes on their schedule. This meant that the follow up course to a network class was not available the following semester so I was forced to take what was available. Their academic advisers were not interested in getting me through the course work quickly or in any logical order. Also I was forced to take classes during the day which was near impossible since I was working full time during the day. I am almost done with my first two courses at DeVry and find the work to be easy. But the work at the community college was no more challenging. The professors I have now are just as qualified as the ones at the community college. I had a professor so out of touch at a community college that he fried our project computer by forcing the wrong memory chip in the main board and powering it up. We then had to use a spare PC for the rest of the term. So I believe you get out what you put in. If you feel the classes are too easy then transf... Read more

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    Wed Jun 02 2010

    I am a past instructor at DeVry University and let me validate for you why people on these boards tell you that their degree is worth very little to employers. Out of the 30+ students I had in each class, only 6-7 of them will earn A's and/or demonstrate themselves to be top performers. The vast majority of students cannot write and/or clearly do not care about their academics. I can remember back to my days teaching at reputable public colleges and these same students would be removed from classes and placed in remedial English courses until they could write at a college level. Not at DeVry. They say that students are our "customers." How warped is that thinking?! I can only imagine how these same students interview for employment. When employers come across these individuals who cannot write (or probably speak) properly then DeVry as an institution gets branded. If you are one of those occasional "A" students who has the misfortune of following a DeVry underachiever's resume... Read more

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    Thu May 27 2010

    If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't attend DeVry. I started in 2005 at their Alpharetta Campus north of Atlanta. The beginning classes are a joke. If you cannot get an "A" in these, it's because you don't have the mental faculties of a chimpanzee. I'm dead serious. To pass a class all you have to do is show up, post in the threaded discussions 3 times a week, and have a pulse. I saw students pass English classes who could barely string together a basic 5 paragraph "paper" of the type they teach you in middle school. There is no way the majority of my fellow students could have passed a real college English class. Zip, zero. The quality of the "Work" I saw was pathetic. Still, I persevered. Why? Because in my time there I found several professors who believed in me and who encouraged me to succeed. I also met up with several fellow students who were intelligent and in the same position as myself; stuck at DeVry. We all carried on and made it through our Accounting classes. ... Read more

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    Mon May 24 2010

    I am working on getting into DeVry now. For those people that want to tell you they let any idiot in, take a look at your own, how should I say, "smarts." I took the assessment exams and before I did I asked for some refresher help with the math. I didnt take it as serious as I should have and my AA let me know that. Luckly she set me up with a retake on the math, and thanks to her I relearned Algebra in a week. I know its easy to point fingers and say DeVry lets any idiot in, and based on other similar complaints, they lie about job placement, but in the end it's about the students own self responsibility. If you're an idiot, then learn something. If DeVry doesnt get you a job, then get it for yourself you lazy, self centered, egotistical, waste of a great education. Their job is to give you the education you pay for. Its not to make sure you're smart enough to follow your dreams, or to hold your hand and find you a job. My only question to those nay-sayers is, "If somebody is so stup... Read more

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    Sun May 16 2010

    Problems with DeVry start from the minute they get your information. You will be inundated with as many as 8 calls per day on both your regular phone and cell phones. Sometimes you will get 2-3 calls within minutes. You will be paged and receive text messages. And then you will be spammed in your email. They will give you this great sales pitch on how they are not an "open university" which is a pure lie. All you need is either a high school diploma or a GED and the application fee and they will at least take your application. And DeVry will take an application and your $50 application fee from anyone they get on the phone who says YES! You will go through an interview which usually lasts about 45 minutes to an hour and half this is supposedly to design the right program for you. In sales, this is called "neutralizing" the prospect and DeVry's used car salesmen know this very well. The fact is the AA's already know even before they call you what program they want you to enrol... Read more