Bud Walton Arena (University of Arkansas)

Approval Rate: 75%

75%Approval ratio

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    Thu Jan 01 2009

    raucous atmosphere with over 20,000 people standing most of the game

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    Thu Jan 01 2009

    BWA is it best just look at the domination of #4 OU by unranked Arkansas on 12/29/08. And OU is a great team but the atmosphere in the Bud Barn is that powerful. Bring on Texas

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    Wed Nov 12 2008

    I've attended only three games at this arena. Every time I've been it's been one of the most pleasurable college basketball expriences. I've been to Cameron and Rupp arena's, which are nice, but Bud Walton Arena is first class all the way

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    Sun Nov 09 2008

    Arkansas fans have nothing to brag about kentucky has as many losses as arkansas does wins. This place is a joke kentucky always comes into your house and beats you why cant you go to Rupp and beat us. I think that should tell you someting. So stp trying to compare yourself to the Kentucky's and Duke's. Just go to any of these arenas and look up what you see is championship banners not banner like you see at Bud Walton.

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    Sun Nov 02 2008


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    Fri Mar 07 2008

    It opened in '94 not '98. And yes, it is the greatest college basketball venue in the nation. You can rate it a 1 star if you want. Just goes to show that you've obviously never been in the arena. It doesn't get any better than BWA.

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    Wed Feb 06 2008

    By far the loudest arena I have ever played in. You can't even hear your coach give the pre-game pep talk in the locker room because the fans are already causing thunder. Rupp is massive, Cameron Indoor is smothering, but Bud Walton is massive, smothering, and insanely loud. We had to wear earplugs in the second half.

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    Sat Feb 02 2008

    I wouldn't brag about having the most seats in a small area. CRAMPED. As for making Duke, North Carolina and Kentucky fans jealous, you must be on drugs. Arkansas doesn't have anything remotely resembling the tradition of those elite programs. ONE championship with nothing close before or after that. Won by a disgraced coach at that. The "Bud" is not a bad arena but it doesn't make all others jealous. Besides, it's better to have a great program to follow in a subpar arena rather than a middle of the road program in a "palace." They should've called it the Sam's Club Discount Arena. Show your card to get in and then hit the hot dogs and pizza to your right. Go ahead and buy a Ford Escape in the concourse too before watching the Hogs win nothing yet again.

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    Wed Mar 07 2007

    Without a doubt the best college basketball arena in the country. I realize that this makes Duke, North Carolina, and Kentucky fans jealous, but from an unbiased opinion, it is the absolute truth. One thing that makes this so great is that you don't have to line the entire floor with an overexpanded student section. The place is intimidating enough on its own. I have spoken with fans of other schools, especially Florida, who have all said that they wish that their respective schools could have something even half as nice as Bud Walton. And ask players from teams that have played there; having 20,000+ RAZORBACK fans calling the HOGS all over and on top of you, is much worse than some pretentious student section.

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    Thu Jul 13 2006

    It's the best in all of College Basketball.

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    Mon Mar 13 2006

    I've never seen so many missing teeth!!

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    Sun Feb 12 2006

    Best in the nation

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    Mon Dec 19 2005

    Best arena in the world!!!!! Bud Walton is a great arena and the tradition there is all around the place. The Bud packs about 20,000+ per game and the fans are very creative and rowdy. The student section "The Trough" is super wild and crunk. Bud Walton is superb you can't go wrong!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Fri Nov 18 2005

    It's definitely a great place to go to a game. I have sat in some of the worst seats, and there is always a good view of the game. In addition, the crowd is very close to the action.

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    Fri Jul 15 2005

    Great arena......love to hear the fans callin' the hogs!! Whooooooooooooo pig! Sooie! Razorbacks!!! Wish there was some talent there though...we need a crew like there was in '94 (i.e. Williamson, Thurman, etc.)

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    Thu Apr 28 2005

    Forget all those losers that say BWA sucks and has no tradition they don't have a clue there is not a bad seat in the house every commentator that has been there talks good about it. And tradition even in the last two down years average attendance in BWA is second only to Kentucky in the SEC and a whole lot more than most other arenas.

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    Wed Mar 02 2005

    bad arena. very boring. not enough crowd noise.

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    Sun Jan 30 2005

    Anyone that has truly been to a Razorback game in The BUD, knows that it is easily within the Top 5 arenas in the nation. I was at the Kentucky game today, and it was just about like old times. Ask any Kentucky fan, or the UK coaching staff, just what kind of arena The Bud is. Also, if anyone read the ESPN.com article this week, you would have seen that all of the experts writing for them list Bud Walton in their Top 5. Just a bunch of whiners on here, trying to lower the Bud's rating because they know their team's arenas and traditions can't compete.

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    Thu Jan 27 2005

    It's nice enough, but dark, and pretty boring.

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    Wed Jan 12 2005

    To the idiot who said Arkansas was behind Kentucky and Florida when it comes to arenas is retarded. He base was tradition and to say Florida has more tradition than arkansas is ridiculous!!!

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    Thu Dec 16 2004

    Great place to see a game.

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    Thu Jul 22 2004

    THE best Basketball arena in the world!If you've ever been there you know what I mean.

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    Wed Jul 21 2004


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    Tue Jul 20 2004

    In response to SECFAN1: I have a life, but am rating this a 1 just to piss you off! HAHHAHAHHAAA!!!!

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    Thu Jun 24 2004

    I have attended college, WNBA, and NBA games in places like Reunion Arena, The Compaq Center, Toyota Center in Houston. Staples Center in LA, SBC Center and many many college arenas, including Barnhill, Hofheinz (in the glory days of Houston) and BWA. BWA is by far in the top 2, with maybe ... MAYBE the Staples Center being the top arena. It's not just the architecture, it's also the atmosphere. Amazing.

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    Mon Feb 23 2004

    When I fist saw the inside of the arena the first thing that I see that made the whole place terrible was the logo painted on the floor. There are better ones than that! In addition, the outside should be more classier and have more color.

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    Sun Feb 22 2004

    It has size but not the tradition. Richardson really hurt the image.

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    Fri Jan 23 2004

    Constructed in 1993, this arena is still state of the art. There is a new scoreboard with replay capability that is the largest in the country. All seats are chairback, and there are plenty of concessions and restroom facilities. On the ground floor there is a museum that displays the national championship tropy for basketball and the 37 national championship trophies in track. Great venue, great entertainment.

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    Fri Dec 12 2003

    who the phuc is buddy walton

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    Sun Nov 30 2003

    no Allen Fielhouse

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    Sat Oct 04 2003

    Not really sure what most of the people are basing their ratings on, but if you are truly rating the arena on basketball atmosphere, you have to give it a five. It was designed just for basketball, the most seats in the smallest area of any arena in the world. It is beautiful, and very loud, and there is nothing in college basketball like hearing 20,000 fans call the hogs. Are there other arena's and teams that may be better than the hogs, yes maybe, Rupp arena is a basketball rich arena that deserves to be in the top three, Cameron Indoor and the dukies, you have to love that place, but if you are not comparing it to other places, and just judging it on its own merit Bud Walton is a truly amazing place, which even when judged against other arena's has to be in everyone's top five

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    Fri Jul 11 2003

    overrated arena, nice arena but not very loud and no tradition probably the third best arena in the SEC behind Kentucky and Florida but thats not saying much because if you take Kentucky out of the league then it sucks Kentucky is the only nationally elite program in the SEC Arkansas facility is nice but there are several missing ingredients to be the best.....Duke fan for life!!!!!

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    Fri Jul 11 2003

    I hated this place, fat men hit on me the whole game, there were empty seats everywhere, and the hogs got slaughtered by the visiting team.....the arena is pretty but Arkansas fans you have a long way to go to build the program and tradition back up.....terrible.....you can no longer consider our program even remotely close to the level of Kentucky.....and I personally don't like UK but there arena is beautiful and there fans are extremely loud and rabid but are also classy and nice and Lexington is a beautiful town loaded with rich people its the best. I am from Arkansas and I hate to admit it in basketball we definitely play second fiddle to Kentucky as does most everyone in the country

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    Fri Jul 11 2003

    Great fans, very comfortable, beautiful, but lacks tradition like old arena had, If Arkansas begins winning again it will improve rating of arena

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    Fri Jul 11 2003

    Absolutely beautiful facility, But 90% of the fans weigh in excess of 300 lbs and are painted from head to toe and there is a huge hog painted on the floor they struggled to fill arena last year and the program has wend down hill greatly nice facility but overall atmosphere had diminished since the days of the old arena

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    Wed May 07 2003

    Impressive! Awe inspiring. Ultra-modern. Comfortable. LOUD! Intimidating (for visitors). Abosolute best basketball venue in the USA.