
Approval Rate: 69%

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    Sat May 28 2011

    While on Science Diet, my Bichon Frise had severe allergies that caused him to constantly bite and scratch. The vet ultimately put him on Prescription Diet ZD Ultra which did work well. However, it has hydrolyzed protein which I believed caused his stools to be loose and formless. I have now switched to the Nutro Natural Choice Grain Free Venison and Potato. His stools are back to normal and he still is allergy free. This dog food is a limited ingredient dog food designed for dogs with food allergies. It is wheat free, corn free, soy free, dairy free and gluten free. I recommend it for those whose dogs have food allergies. sjoiii

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    Thu Apr 28 2011

    We have fed Nutro Lamb and Rice to our dogs for the last 15 yrs. Our dogs have responded wonderful to it. NOT Nutro Max. Even though we have not tasted it personally, we love it and our 8 dogs in those past 15 yrs. did and still do.

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    Sun Nov 07 2010

    corn gluten meal, soy, splitting, menadione. Many better foods for about the same money.

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    Thu Oct 28 2010

    A good all around dry food, lamb & rice adult or lite formulas. They may be alittle rice and cellulose heavy, but if you have a dog with food intolerances or pancreatitis these help.

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    Sat Jun 26 2010

    We transitioned from Country Vet to Blue Buffalo to Nutro Natural Choice Puppy Chicken, Rice & Oatmeal. Immediately we saw improved stools, what a relief! And her coat was shinier than ever. I had her on this food for probably 4-5 months, and things seemed to be going good. Being a lab, however, she is prone to ear problems. I started noticing a dark brown waxy build-up in her ears that I tried to clean practically daily. It smelled funny too. When we went to the vet for her 6 month check-up and spay, he said she had yeast infection in her ears. I researched on-line to try to find out what could cause that; I found information on beet pulp. The vet tried to reassure me that food didn't cause ear problems, but what I read on-line was very convincing. We switched over to Natural Balance, but didn't have much luck there either. Still searching for something that will work for my lab...

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    Mon Apr 26 2010


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    Sun Apr 11 2010

    I have been feeding my canine (7 years old) for over a year now. Her shedding has decreased and her energy has sored. Her coat is very glossy and shiny. Picture perfect of health. Has no corn or wheat in it either. Just took her to the vet for a yearly check up. They ran a battery of test and she is very very healthy for her age. The product is priced well for what ift offers.

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    Thu Jan 28 2010

    I have fed my Golden Retriever Nutro Natural Choice - Large Breed Puppy since she was about 3 months old. Prior to that she was fed Nutro Natural Choice Puppy Chicken, Rice and Oatmeal canned food. She was the runt of the litter so she developed a little slower than normal. I chose this food because this is what the breeder fed her prior to her coming to me. There was also a Nutro rep at the store when I went to go purchase her food after I picked her up that was able to answer my questions. Overall I am very pleased with the food. She does seem to be finicky on eating sometimes but when she is hungry, she'll eat. Also, she has been known to clear the room on occasion with smelly gas! Other than that, I have no complaints. Now it's time to switch to adult food. I was debating between Nutro Ultra and Wellness Super 5 Mix Large Breed. I chose the Wellness purely on the ingredient list. The first two ingredients are meats (de-boned chicken, de-boned whitefish) in the Wellness ... Read more

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    Wed Jan 20 2010

    Nice and healthy food for dogs , great protein and vitamins !

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    Tue Dec 22 2009

    I would never try this food. Not the greatest ingredients but the worst part is that you can not trust the company. They have been in too many re calls for my liking.

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    Mon Dec 14 2009

    i dont like this product at all. i thought i would try it for my dachshund puppy and he seemed to like it but then he started to get sick and had lose stools and then started having diarrhea REALLY bad. he would have to go every two hours even in the night. i took him to the vet and he even didnt recommend it, he said to switch immediately. it took him a week to get back to his old self. when i looked at the ingredients the second ingredient is corn gluten meal ad on the front of the bag it claims "less clean up" thats BS. it maid go even more and his stool smelled SO bad, i switched to wellness and that is the best brand. his coat is like silk and shines and he has so much energy, best of all he loves it! and only has to poop 2-3 times a day which makes potty training a lot easier lol . if you want a good brand for you beloved pet don't choose nutro. its terrible and could of killed my puppy because he was getting so dehydrated from all the diarrhea

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    Thu Nov 19 2009

    We had our Pointer/Lab cross puppy on Eagle Pack and found he was shedding a lot and his stool was very soft. We asked our pet store associates if there was another food that would be better, and they suggested Nutro Natural Choice. Ever since he has been shedding less, his stool is solid and regular. We get compliments on how nice is coat is and he loves it too!

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    Mon Oct 19 2009

    I used to be very pleased with Nutro. I am not so much any more. The price is drastically increased, and the ingredient list has gone down hill. Disappointed. I give it one star as you must rate it with at least one in order to submit. Otherwise, mine would be no stars.

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    Sat Aug 29 2009


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    Thu Aug 13 2009

    Never trust a candy company to make a quality dog food. And when a candy company buys out a dog food company, expect quality to go downhill. That is the case here. Mars Foods/Masterfoods, manufacturer of Snickers bars and M&Ms, bought out Nutro, and has reformulated the foods several times in the intervening two years. Now all Nutro cat foods have either corn or wheat in them, as does the Nutro Max dog food line. Most Nutro Natural Choice formulas are still corn and wheat free, but they are doubling up on the rice portions, increasing carb content while decreasing meat content. Not exactly ideal for our pet carnivores. It's a shame, as Nutro was one of the earlies of the new generation of natural, healthy foods... and that is falling by the wayside in the interest of profits for Mars.

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    Wed Jul 22 2009

    When I got my Husky puppy, Dakota; I put him on this food because a great friend of mine told me it was awsome. Keep in mind that is almost 3 yrs ago. I think back then it was alright. I went away to basic training, my mom got him on Beneful and when I got him back I tried switching back to Nutro. Of course it was over a period of 1 week and it was a slow transition. He ended up with the yellow runs for a month and a half until I realized that it was the food that was causing this. I took in a sample of his stool to be tested to make sure that there was no parasites or giardia. All came out of negative. I switched to Calif. Natural and he was been doing so much better and we dont have to force him to eat either. I do not recommend this at work. And plus, after the recall with the Nutro cat food they are going to increase their prices again! They cut down with the dog food from 40 lbs to 35 lbs for $44.99 or so!

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    Sat Jul 18 2009

    Just went to purchase a bag of large breed adult ultra and noticed they switched the bag style, formula,and reduced the bag size down to 30lbs from 35lbs. What a sneaky way to rip us off.

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    Sun Jul 12 2009

    I recently switched my chihuahua to nutro from science diet. She had been having trouble with her stools for a month. After many stool samples to the vet, antibiotics, presciption low residue food, everything! We did some research and decided to try nutro. I was pleased with the ingredients. That was 2 days ago. I stopped the antibiotics, the ear drops for itchy ears and gave her nothing but the nutro nature choice and the nutro dog biscuts. Wow! solid stools, she loves it! Everyone has their own opinion, for us we will remain nutro users for life! Now my mom has switched her 2 chihuahuas and they love it too. One month at the vet, 48 hours with nutro! I am truely amazed. She is my baby and I want her to have the best. Nutro is just that, the best food for us. I hope everyone else finds what works for your babies. I only wish I had found it sooner, I'd be 400 dollars richer! Mimi and her mom

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    Sat Jul 11 2009

    I have never fed Nutro MAX and never will due to the horrendous ingredients and my dog's allergies to almost every main ingredient in it. BUT, I know people who do feed it. When I first saw this food I was's orange!! Why? That was frightening! Next was that none of these dogs seemed to enjoy eating it. I can't blame them. And third, all of the dogs I know that have eaten this have the worst stools!! If it's not strange enough that their stools are orange like the food, all of them had runny stools all the time. I was so disgusted and felt obligated to tell all of them that they should switch to a healthier food. I couldn't keep quiet any longer. This food is a disgrace. I wasn't surprised that the cat food was recalled, but I'll never figure out why the dog food isn't.

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    Sat Jun 06 2009

    We fed my dogs Nutro Food for about 16 years. Recently my dog became violently ill and was not able to keep even water or ice chips down. We took her to the vet and she had to be put on an IV due to dehydration. X-rays were done to see if there was any "foreign" body in her stomach but nothing was found. Only an area where the intestines were engorged with gas. The following day the x-rays showed no change and she was still not able to keep anything down. They decided to do an endoscopy nothing "foreign" was found in either her stomach or intestines. But the scope stimulated her bowels to move and she produced a "rotten stool" according to the vet. When he called me he asked what type food we fed her and when I stated Nutro he said "That makes sense then". He said that he had seen this same thing recently with another dog that was also fed Nutro. He said there had been a recall on it. But when I researched it on the web there has been no recall but there are over 500 compl... Read more

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    Fri Jun 05 2009

    Nurto dog food has worked well for both my dogs. I have a Pug and a Yorkie we got from someone else. Nutro dog food seems to be working pretty well, especially on my Pug. She is usually pretty healthy, except for a minor staph infection she got recently somehow, but we have some medication for that and she is already much better. Anyway, she tolerates the food very well, and she loves it. The Yorkie doesn't tolerate it quite as well when we accidentally give her my Pugs food. When she has her own food, she does very well. My Pug uses the weight control, and my Yorkie uses the regular adult food.

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    Fri Jun 05 2009

    We used to have our dog on eukanuba for a couple years and he would eat it but he didn't like it. We switched to some cheaper brands bc of money issues and he liked it better but could tell the quality wasn't as good. Now we are on the nutro ultra and he loves it. He likes the taste and no more "butt bath" problems like we had with the eukanuba and the cheaper brands. I would like to remind people that when they are switching dogs over to a new brand they need to gradually incorporate the new food or they will have diarrhea and gas problems.

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    Mon Jun 01 2009

    I have a shepherd rott/lab mix dog. We have fed her Nutro since day one starting with large breed puppy and then the large breed dog. She has had NO problems! We love this food. She is energetic and playful and never sick. I just hate to see everyone bashing it... no food is immune to causing problems for certain dogs. And if you think about it....most people don't get on here to rate because they like it but only if they don't so it would seem of course there are more negative ratings than positive. Overall Nutro is wonderful for us and our dogs! You may want to watch where you buy it also. If dog food like any food sits to long it goes bad and if your store does not sell it in large quantities that may be part of your problem! Nutro Rocks! Roxi Loves it So Do We!!

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    Thu May 28 2009

    I joined this site SIMPLY to review this product. I put my GSD puppy on it since I wasn't very educated about the ingredients and saw Chicken as the first and thought it would be a good choice. Boy was I wrong. She has thrown up and had diarreah very badly since I gave it to her. I did extensive research and found it rated only two stars on and also found on other review sites that many dogs were having the same probs as my Lulu. I also had to buy nutro large breed puppy canned to mix with it since she hated the taste and wouldn't eat it alone but I figured she was just picky. Through my research I found Taste of The Wild which is no grain with very wholesome ingredients and 6 stars on above mentioned site AND it cost the SAME as the Nutro! It's just not available at PetSmart, I found it at a local feed store here. I cannot comment on the results yet as I just started the switch but I put the remainder of my bag of Nutro for free on Craigslist and Lulu... Read more

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    Sun May 10 2009

    Nutro is all hype....all the other reviews about it making dogs sick are soooo true! It did the same thing to my Maltese mix....she stopped eating her Science Diet so we switched to the recommended Nutro, she was alright for a while, then just refused to eat for like a week. Eventually she started to eat it again and was alright, but then she starting to get seriously sick and throwing up and had terrible diarrhea. I knew right away it was the food....all the reviews I've read have been terrible....I will NEVER feed Nutro to my pets again and would NEVER recommend it to anyone.

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    Thu May 07 2009

    I wish they would break Nutro up into categories. Regular Nutro Max isn't a great food, but the Nutro Ultra Holistic Adult and Adult Small breed are excellent foods. I switched to the small breed after one of my dogs became picky over his Eukanuba small breed adult, but ate my mother's dogs Nutro Max. I picked the Ultra Holistic over the Max because of the ingredients. It's been rated a 4 star dog food on, Nutro Max is a 1 to 2 star food. He enjoys eating it, and it's better then most pet store dog foods, so it's a win in my book.

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    Mon Apr 27 2009

    I hear so many wonderful things about nutro and gave it a try,and my dog is just as shiny as the picture they advertise on their table. the food is great! 100 % satisfactory.I did a full REsearch on the food product,and turns out that all their dog food is all natural and full of nutrition. ALL NATURAL My dogs love it,and are both very healthy and shiny That one lady that says her dog died,was not anything nutro could of caused. It had to be from another sorce of illness she was not aware of that cause her dog problems had she taken the dog to the vet,she would of found the issue of her dogs illness. I see no where in the ingredients that would cause any problems.Thats too bad she lost her dog.I do not see anwhere to where Nutro would be the source. Nurtro is also recommended by the vets.Did the lady actual take it to the vet and they just blamed NUTRO? That does not sound like vets would bash a vet recommended food.just weird

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    Fri Apr 24 2009

    I just don't trust Nutro after all the problems they've had.

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    Fri Apr 24 2009

    This used to be a pretty good food. I don't know what has happened lately. We fed our recent litter Nutro large breed puppy and every time we started a new bag of food, they got explosive diarrhea. Maybe it's just not consistent from batch to batch? Our adult dogs did well on it, except for one girl who was very gassy. But they did poop a lot, and considering what we are paying for 30 pound (puppy) and 33 pound (adult) bags of food, it's excessive for sure. In summary, there are worse foods out there but I wouldn't feed this food if something better is available. We switched ours to ProPlan and I am enjoying the reduced poop load for sure!

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    Fri Mar 20 2009

    NEVER EVER AGAIN I will never feed any of my pets Nutro again. It killed my dog two years ago and made my cat very sick. They get their ingredients anywhere they can and don't care that they do. Anyone who still uses Nutro after the food recall two years ago should keep an eye on your pet i would hate for you to lose a loved member of the family like I did because Nutro could care less where their product comes from.

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    Sun Feb 15 2009

    Nutro dog food is not good, we started about jan. of 2008 feeding our rot weiler lab mix nutro. She loved it at first and seemed to have great energy, then about 4 months into it she started vomiting . We had thought it to be the new treats we had fed her so we stayed on the nutro. With more time her coat became worse and picked a up a strange odor. She started itching more and more. currently we are feeding her a rice and ground beef diet until she recovers from (NUTRO) after reading these articles I WILL NEVER GIVE HER NUTRO AGAIN. The package is misleading and not true. I hope anyone who reads this changes there dogs food immediately! I wish I could give this product Negative stars !

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    Mon Jan 19 2009

    I put my flat-coated retriver mix on Nutro Max about a month ago. He had previously been on Science Diet, and I felt he needed a change. Before the nutro, his coat was soft and shiny; I often got compliments on how beautiful my dog was. Recently he has been itching like crazy, and did not do this previous to the Nutro Max. Today I just picked up a bag of Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Venison formula. I am going to try this and see if his excessive itching stops; it is supposed to have limited ingredients and be a great help with allergies. Hope it helps!

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    Thu Dec 18 2008

    well, i'll have to agree with pwcox. everything he/she said is absolutely true, plus nutro has become the newest victim of the incredible shrinking bag. went from a 40lb down to 35lb, ingredients are cheaper, and the bag cost 7 bucks more now. i'm almost considering putting my dog on grocery store food, at least it's consistently crappy ! i'll give it a 2 for what it used to be.

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    Tue Dec 16 2008

    i was feeding my puppy natural balance which i thought would be great because the woman at the petco said it was the BEST and along with the price i thought i couldnt go wrong.Well after awhile i noticed more and more scratching and also much more flaking.I decided to switch to nutro max and cannot be happier the itching and flaking is gone and he is full of energy!

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    Tue Dec 09 2008

    I have a 7 month old german shephard/pitt bull mix and have been feeding him Nutro Natural Choice large breed puppy food from day 1. He hasn't had any specific problems related to the food, or so I thought... I was asking a friend if the cooler weather has made his dog more anxious (less excersize) and he started to tell me about how a dog food could make such a difference. I came here and saw all these really negative reviews! My pup often has horribly stinky gas, and so have many of yours! Maybe it's time to shop for an organic dog food... silly me I thought "all natural" was good enough.

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    Tue Nov 11 2008

    Nutro has changed a lot of their formulas just recently..... under the cover of making some products unavailable.for their chicken based food.... 1st ingredient is now chicken instead of chicken meal.    for their lamb based food.... 1st ingredient is now lamb instead of lamb mealChicken and lamb are cheaper than chicken meal and lamb meal.  Once you remove the water, chicken or lamb is about 1/8 chicken meal or lamb meal.WAIT.... you will also see POTATO PROTEIN, PEA PROTEIN, RICE PROTEIN CONCENTRATE in dry formulas.... this is a way to boost total crude protein.... Isn't it great.... reduce meat based protein and replace it with cheaper grain based protein.... AND.... most consumers won't know the difference because most consumers don't read labels or bother to do research and continue to pay high prices.If I were still feeding Nutro, I might as well feed my dogs vegetarian food.

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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    I switched my 10 dogs over to this food after trying many others. We use the sensitive stomach formula (chicken, rice & oatmeal) and they love it. So far we havn't had any trouble. I have tried so many brands out there, and this is the best for one of my dogs with allergies and another with stomach problems. I hate to see all the negative. We tried what seems like every brand out there, and even the most expensive ones didn't work. Either my dogs didn't like the taste, or my one with the stomach problems threw up. He hasn't gotten sick once since we have used this.

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    Sat Sep 13 2008

    I have 1 yr old yellow lab that is very active. We were feeding Royal Canine (lab breed) dog food until the price of the food went up. I then switched to Nutro high protein/active food. Our lab now has a better coat,more muscle definition and less stool. Great FOOD!

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    Thu Aug 21 2008

    Unfortunately, I had my dog on this food before I knew anything about nutrition. This food is j-u-n-k! Not only does it have next to no nutritional value, but my dog also had several bouts of vomiting yellow bile before I pulled her off the food. I had no idea the food was causing the problem 'till I did an internet search on her symptoms. I was AMAZED by the search results. This reaction has become synonymous with Nutro products! I pulled her off the food, and the vomiting hasn't reoccured since. Do some research before you feed your dog this stuff. I wish I had. At least I caught it in time.