President Obama
Approval Rate: 50%
Reviews 0
by jamie_mcbain
Tue Sep 08 2009I found Bush to be more scarier.
by djahuti
Mon Sep 07 2009Although I can't agree with everything he says, after the last catastrophe of 8 years of stupidity,arrogance and graft,I have to heave a sigh of relief.
by osagepony
Mon Sep 07 2009The “first 100 days” was strictly amateur hour at the “House.” Some event-response will define his presidency. I hope its more than a legacy of debt . More than three-years left. Grab your ass and hang on.
by canadasucks
Sun Sep 06 2009Dumbo isn't right about everything. . .but his shrill-shrieking opponents are hilarious. He is a know-it-all. . .because he's smarter than most of you. . .getting paid or getting accolades for raw intellect and ambition in America used to be a virtue. Some of his policies are right - some are wrong. . .those can be hissy-fit(ed) in other lists. . .but the very notion of a McCain and 'tard-breeder VP presidency is simply a nightmare beyond belief. Even the Wall Street journal has reluctantly given grudging support for the stimulus package.
by numbah16tdhaha
Sun Sep 06 2009He's the political equivalent of a one of those game manager, system quarterbacks. He's not much good when he improvises, but he does just enough to let the team win when the other team fails to play well. How thrilling. Just keep following that game plan, I guess, and for fuck's sake, don't turn the ball over while trying to do something creative or coach is gonna be pissed...
by oscargamblesfr_o
Sun Sep 06 2009Ah am afeard that when the litlle childruns done sit in frunt of dem tvs in that theare lernin' buildin, that a Negrofying Kommanist gas is gonna cum out of dem tvs and tern ar childruns into malatto Rushans!"
by ridgewalker
Sat Sep 05 2009This is an Up Date. The original review has been moved to the Comments Section. Well, it seems that Obi Bar Kenobi has arrived at a stage in his career when his approval ratings are failing him and anything he says will draw controversy. Tuesday's up-coming speech to students is a good example of this. An emotionally charged, pre-event reaction to this announcement is roaring through the press…from all sides. School boards are taking both sides; some say it’s a good thing for children to hear encouragement from another source besides family; some say it’s an inappropriate use of the media, as individual classrooms are not geared up, from a curriculum point-of-view, to be interrupted by Bar. Some will require viewing and some will not. The text of the speech will be posted on the White House web site on Monday, so parental claims that they don’t know what Bar will be saying to their children is unfounded. The White House is saying that it will be a simple message about the value of edu... Read more
by genghisthehun
Sun Jul 12 2009He is scary. He is a know it all. That often leads to invincible ignorance. He gets all his poop from a teleprompter. A real intellectual! Hah! I read this morning that we are supposed to be patient while the bloated whale of the Stimulus Bill works its way. It was not supposed to work right away hints Barack Hussein. If that is so, why was this monstrosity rammed through on an emergency basis with nobody reading the ENTIRE bill? Is this the paragon of hope and change? Why is unemployment ratcheting up? Why is economic activity still declining? Alas, Babylon.
by abichara
Sun Jul 12 2009I don't fear him personally, but his policies do concern me. More consolidation of power in the Executive branch by way of appointment of policy czars, lack of transparency, and excessive spending are all just some of the areas where I take issue with him. Coincidentally, he railed against the Bush Administration on all of these points during the campaign. How gaining political power changes things!! Why is it that the more things CHANGE the more they stay the SAME? Remember that next time you see a national candidate promising change. The media will start getting more critical once his approvals start heading below 50%, which will happen by the most next year if the economy doesn't begin to improve discernably. Once they smell blood they'll attack like they did with Clinton and Bush.
by victor83
Sun Jul 12 2009Come on EO....give the guy time. It is "too early" don't ya know. Don't let the little things scare you...things like 3.4 million lost jobs, more government control, and a deficit that is up 50%.
by eschewobfuscat_ion
Sun Jul 12 2009A fearful combination of press manipulation and left-wing extreme activism . . . sitting in the Oval Office. A press so in love and support of him and his extremist views, they skew their "coverage" of him and his actions and initiatives. From Cap and Trade (if you don't know what this law will mean, please read up on it) to bailout mania to stimulus spending previously inimaginable to absolute milque-toast defense attitudes, to extending a hand of friendship to our sworm to-the-death enemies (does the name Neville Chamberlain come to mind?) to his European and African apology for America extravaganzas to an economy sporting double-digit unemployment nearing the levels Europe has experienced since THEIR conversion to socialism and a hard-hitting press accused of sleeping with the guy, to the erosion of the system of checks and balances in the form of a czarist government, to a congress further left than he is. What could there possibly be to fear with a guy like that? He is sma... Read more
by wiseguy
Sun Jul 12 2009I'm telling you guys for the last time! The God damned teleprompter's the brains behind this whole master plan to totally fuck this country over.
by jman1961
Sun Jul 12 2009Yes, he's scary. And with a Democrat congress, and his 'czars' (how many of these does he have now? 15? 17?), along with the laundry list that Eschew laid out, we should be so lucky as to recover in twice the time the damage that he and his cronies have done already and will surely try, at least, to keep on doing for the next 3.5 years. Yet something else is scarier - that 69 million allegedly sentient human beings voted for this kid last November. But the first signs of 'buyer's remorse' are appearing: even his sycophants in the MSM can't cover for his plunging poll numbers, the mounting debt, the literally UNCONSTITUTIONAL takeover of large portions of the private sector (talk about a 'power grab'!), the economy in the shitter and getting worse (where are all those 'shovel ready' stimulus jobs?), unemployment set for double digits (he claimed all his grand plans would see it max out at 8%), and this President and his administration are on a pace to set records for tragic com... Read more