Waiter / Waitress
Approval Rate: 46%
Reviews 0
by genghisthehun
Tue Sep 06 2011I've tended bar but never waited on tables. It appears to be brutal work.
by dreaming0616
Tue Sep 06 2011For a while I worked a second job as a waitress....it had it's ups and downs. I made pretty decent money in tips and got to meet Harrison Ford. However the hours sucked, base pay is horrible, especially when you get those customers that are eternally unhappy and rude, and my all time favorite, the dine and dasher...
by chalky
Tue Sep 06 2011Since finishing college almost a decade ago, I've had the joy of two consistent careers: substitute teaching and waiting tables. I enjoyed my time waiting tables, and it's something I'd be up for doing again (Chili's, call me). Anyway, it can pay well if you do a good job. Obviously, the downsides are the negative people, but their lives probably aren't so good when they walk away from your table, anyhow.
by astromike
Mon Mar 23 2009For the un educated this can pay fairly decent if you work at the right restaurant.
by raise_awareness_of_poverty_hunger_in_america
Sun Jan 11 2009You guys rock.
by randyman
Fri Aug 08 2008Not without it's hazards.
by snoopdaddi
Tue Jul 15 2008waitress make good money!!
by kristine114
Wed Jul 09 2008A occupation that relies on tips is not for me.
by k_a_y_l_a
Sun Jul 06 2008good for a first job not a fulltime.
by ms_106239909
Sat Jul 05 2008That job is just rough
by kisha518
Fri Jul 04 2008not paid enough
by georges11
Fri Jun 27 2008been there, done that
by laura_201
Tue Jun 17 2008I'd be awful - takes me ages to carry a bowl of soup/cup of tea across the room in case I spill it! haha!
by nykole821
Wed Jun 11 2008ok if u can't find anything else
by she_makes_my_heart_melt
Mon Jun 09 2008it's ok untill the dirstist old man ever slaps you on the ass for a tip...
by brenden
Fri Jun 06 2008It's close to my current career and it's good money.
by airon08
Fri Jun 06 2008Not Patient enough
by trebon1038
Thu Jun 05 2008I could never be a waitress...I would hurt somebody
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Thu Jun 05 2008I don't think I would ever want to be a waitress with as cranky as some people are. I will say this for the customer, though: sometimes they have a right to be cranky.
by silverfox
Tue May 22 2007I'm in the minority on this one, since most movie critics loved it. But I thought it was bad. First, it's a romantic comedy/chick flick, and I've yet to meet one I've liked; my least favorite movie genre. This one almost makes the Hugh Grant atrocities look good. The plot was banal, simplistic, and totally predictable. Keri Russell was wooden; I never bought into her character as a real human being, and was always aware she was acting, and not very well at that. The love scenes were laughable. Seems like someone was anxious to make an Americanized version of Chocolat or Like Water for Chocolate, only this one was with pies, and it wasn't anywhere near as good as those films. Finally, it dragged on way too long. It has sentiment going for it, though, since Adrienne Shelly, who wrote, directed, and acted in it, was subsequently murdered.
by ashleys
Sun Feb 12 2006fun! you give a little smile, crack a little joke, bring a little food, and are paid. at the end of the night, probably more than you should be. yeah, there's stress. but really, youre running around stuffing people's faces and getting them tipsy. if you dont do it perfectly, it's ok. there's a lot of time to goof off with coworkers during the shift. this makes the job fun. worth coming back to. this is the outlook of the servers who have been around long enough. if youre new, you better find this outlook quickly or prepare to not appreciate your job. there's no business like the restaruant business. lame line, but it makes a point. i dont know of any other job where, and this happens in all ive seen, you hang out with the people you work with after work is over. it is annoying when customers dont understand the demands of your job and what you can offer and what you cant in terms of service. when it's busy, a balancing act has to occur between tables. don't leave me a lou... Read more
by canadasucks
Sun Feb 12 2006It has to be terrible to serve food to spoiled, entitled Americans who cannot control their kids at restraunts. . .I refused to do this while at college and worked a night shift instead where I didn't have to deal with the public.
by djahuti
Tue Jan 17 2006These people usually work very hard and put up with a lot of flack.If they do their job,I tip them-and if they do it well I'm very generous.Of course,if they take out their bad day on me they get zip.
by kingguiness
Mon Jan 16 2006I've thought about it and may do it yet at some point.
by solenoid_dh
Sun Apr 18 2004I feel sorry for waitresses. If the food isn't cooked right, they get fussed at for it, even though someone else cooked it. Then they have to put up with customers who want to order them around all the time. There are other customers who think they're cute when they flirt with the waitress or make the same joking remarks that she's heard several times a day. I'm a thrifty person, but I try to make an exception when I eat out, and will leave a decent tip for these overworked people.
by kurst9a8
Tue Jul 29 2003Okay so the money can be good...depending if the gluttenous pigs you serve decide your service was addiquit enough for their cultured tastes to leave a tip.8 hour shifts with no breaks, rude customers, sore feet, burns, stress, awful shifts, people who don't know how to tip...SLAVERY!I don't recommend it. Serving is only okay in short periods...for quick cash. Don't make it a career.
by faniam
Sun Oct 13 2002Yes this is a hard job,but it can also be a very good job.You really need to like people to get by in this job.Then get in a good hotel and if possible get in the catering dept(thats really where the best tips are usually at least 15% added right on the bill) In catering you can do wedding-reunions--company events. Another thing get a union job the pay is much better and you may get health coverage and if there long enough a pension later. If your going to be a waitress,do it where the money is, because it is a hard job-- a good waitress can make good money.
by dorkavitch_chamalsky
Thu Mar 22 2001You would have to pay me LOTS more than $2.13 an hour plus tips to ever do this job again. Sure, you may have some fun co-workers and some nights you make great tips, but none of that justifies the abuse from customers and the HARD HARD work involved. Waiters/waitresses work much too hard to be paid as little as they are, which is unfortunate. I make lots more money nowdays, and I get paid to sit on my butt and stare at a computer all day. Funny how the world works.
by samiam
Mon Jan 01 2001There are definitely good and bad points in this career. In my experience, I have always worked with great people, which makes a big difference. I have also worked at fine dining establishments..however people are people and many idiots go out to eat. I have been left crappy tips, no tips (after excellent service if I may say so myself) it can be frustrating especially since waiters/waitresses are taxed on the amount of sales..therefore, I basically paid for you to stuff your fat face with that king cut prime rib and ask me for extra cole slaw 6 times you nasty b******..Oh, sorry I was having a bad flashback. I have to say, the money is usually great, customers are fun and co-workers are a blast in the kitchen and after work. as long as you go in with the right attitude, smile through anything, put on the right act..you're set. Don't take any of the customers rude remarks to heart, get in good with the chefs and your co-workers and have a good time. Don't serve a party of 70 with 3 o... Read more
by alicat
Wed Dec 20 2000Being a waitress was a great job. You make big tips. Dealing with people can be hard at times but at what job do you not have to deal with pricks? It can get busy and stressful but that is when you make the most money and the time flies by. Usually people that are waiters/waitresses are pretty cool too. When the rush is over, so is the stress, you don't take any baggage home with you.
by geckoc05
Wed Dec 20 2000Great as transitional job, although there are individuals that like the money and lifestyle enough to make a career out of it. I have done plenty of waiting tables in my time but unless I was deperate I would never do it again. It is hard work, the perks and benefits are slim, the hours suck and you smell like food at the end of the day.