People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

Approval Rate: 36%

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    Mon Nov 08 2010

    I believe there is a place in this world for all of God's creatures. Right next to the mashed potatoes.

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    Thu Jun 18 2009

    PETA is a totally misguided group of animal rights activists/lobbyists quickly losing any kind of credibility. In their arguably noble (though very impractical) attempts to curb (and even stop) the use and abuse of animals for material goods or food consumption, this fringe group has increasingly managed to alienate even those who would probably be more sympathetic to their cause by their head-scratching antics, whether it be the health conscious or those who are probably not as in-the-know (such as those who purchase animal by-products). Instead of peaceful protest or informative talk to educate those who might then be persuaded to use animal by-products, PETA usually resorts to callous and non-sensical acts of vandalism or physical/personal harassment and violence. Even Barack Obama does not escape the wrath of these morons, recently criticizing the Commander in Chief for his swatting of a fly with his bare hands during a recent television interview (which I thought was actually co... Read more

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    Thu Jun 18 2009

    They kinda make me want to put on my leather boots and go out for steak...

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    Thu Jun 18 2009

    I'm not sure they're actually going for credibility so much as sensationalism. They strictly follow the No Publicity is Bad Publicity model, and it's tremendously effective, bringing them press coverage and word of mouth discourse from all camps. I spoke briefly with a girl who does PR for them at SXSW a while back and she confirmed the ridiculousness of ploys like relating non-vegetarianism to cannibalism, but stated that petitions and actions like that are a direct route to free publicity which converts a percentage of folks to empathize with their cause and donate or join the ranks as a volunteer. Appreciated purely from a marketing perspective, PeTA's shrewdness is impressive and effective, even though I disagree with most of their ideology. Extra points for the wtf-worthy and uber-surreal Sea Kittens campaign against eating seafood. This turned into a short-lived meme, spread prolifically both by people who love and loathe PeTA alike.

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    Mon Jun 23 2008

    Great cause, but the members of PETA are exremely naive in their ways of advertising in come cases; PDN catches a persons eye, mind you, but doesn't get the message that puppy farms and disgusting food is slopped up from KFC and Micky D's. They should have more commercials, such as the Colonel Sanders' crackhouse, and less of the naked women covered by rabbits (although America is full of pigs who love watching naked women). They need better advertising, and also better aims at protecting animals from harsh living enviroments, which is what their name suggests they do. Nontheless, they've opened the eyes of their viewers about humanely buying animals from shelters than from the aminal Concentration Camps that PETCO and PetSmart raise and sell. ****

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    Wed May 28 2008

    Misguided group of animal obssessed lunatics who whine about everything. Thier agenda is to stop all uses of animals, from horse racing to meat eating. They use bimbos like Alicia Silverstone to spread their propaganda and are just a bunch of pussies.

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    Mon May 05 2008

    PETA is no good. Too radical in their practices, and are not trying to protect animals. They killed over 97% of the animals in their care in 2006. They have very little credibility with most people. If your going to support an animal wellfare group, support the ASPCA or a similar group, not PETA.

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    Sat Dec 01 2007

    is there a more extreme word than "fanatical" for these people? PETAITES are an exceptionally odd bunch when it comes to some of their methods of fighting for the very abused animals they are trying to save and protect. they tend to go overboard with their activism and i think that is detrimental to their cause.

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    Tue Sep 11 2007

    I have no respect for PETA whatsoever. Their tactics are absolutely horrible. If they fought their battles in a more logical, less extremist way, I still wouldn't like them, but I could at least respect them. But since they don't seem to be above vandalism and the spreading of outright lies about advantages/disadvantages of the human consumption of meat, I don't feel that I have to give them any sort of respect at all. Many are also hypocrites, rambling on about cooping up animals in factory farms, while they keep their pets cooped up in their apartments all day long. I grew up on a hog farm, and even though we had confinement buildings, I really think that the hogs were treated just fine. I also hunt. If a state allows an animal to be hunted, that species is in no danger of extinction at all, and in many cases, they are actually over populated, so hunting is actually used as a method of keeping the population at a level that the habitat can support. Wow, all this talking about PETA, m... Read more

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    Wed Jun 20 2007

    Ask this riddle to a goof-ball PETA person. You are in a lifeboat and it is in danger of swamping. Someone or something must be thrown overboard to make it more seaworthy to save the rest of crew of the boat. You have a choice of a human baby, a cocker spaniel or a turkey. Which one would you choose? Most would say that they could not make a choice! Of course, if this fair damsel was lobbying me, maybe I might have a change of heart!

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    Wed Jun 20 2007

    The kind of organization that gives malignant, sociopathic nutcases a bad name.

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    Sun Apr 15 2007

    Peta has a nice goal, but they can blow things out of porportion, imean, they dont have to hate me for eating a bacon cheeseburger at sonic. It would be nice if they killed animals more humanely, like euthanization, not jumping on them or scalding them. They sure do know how to scare you though, if you go to and watch 3...2...1...testing video, it gives you a real scare. i like em, not too fond of em though

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    Sun Apr 15 2007

    You should see what meat does to your soul, never mind your colon. You creatures call yourselves civilised and still stuff the flesh of other animals into your guts? Shame on you!

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    Tue Feb 14 2006

    Saving the lives of innocent animals is a noble goal to pursue but I'd prefer it if they wouldn't demonize me for eating meat. As for the leather issue, when welding you have to wear leather to prevent harmful burns because Leather is one of the few materials that won't catch fire. If they want to boycott leather then they could go ahead and boycott welding as well. Then people can go back to building everything out of wood. That is until all of the trees are cut down. So to make an even longer story short; I'm the devil for enjoying a good steak, sporting a set of leathers through College and using medicine that was more than likely tested on animals before it was deemed safe for use on humans. I guess I don't care because I 'm apparently too selfish to care for anything outside of my own species. I'll be concerned about the death of cows when PETA stops killing cats and dogs. At least I eat the cows after they die. I wonder if PETA buries the animals in a mass grave or cremates their... Read more

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    Thu Dec 29 2005

    Good intentions. Sometimes get carried away.

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    Tue Dec 13 2005

    I have mixed feelings about PETA. I like the fact they oppose the use of fur for luxury items and people abusing animals but I hate the fact that they harass and persecute people who eat meat and seafood and wear leather clothes. they like to criminalize people who eat chicken, steak, hamburgers, turkey, fish, shellfish, and pork chops. I am one of those people. They also harass and persecute medical scientists who test new medicines on lab animals which were bred in captivity.

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    Wed Nov 09 2005

    Well once again something that started out as a good idea. All right I think that it is all eat animals, fur I'm againest, but here is my reasons that meat is all right to eat. 1. You ever see a free range cow? 2. Why did we crawl our way to the top of the food chain to eat vegatables? 3.Vegetables is what the food eats. 4. All right this one is serious. If we do not hunt (example)deer and keep their population down then they will overpopulate and starve, either way they die so why not feed a family while you're at it. 5. Why are cows and company here if we can't eat them? 6. What whould you put steak sauce on? 7. Why were we designed to eat meat in the first place if we shouldn't? That's all call me a evil person if you want, I'll just keep eating my meat.

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    Tue Nov 08 2005

    I really don't have any problem with them. Animals need someone in their corner. People who don't like PETA probably don't like them because they stand in their way of making a quick buck.

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    Tue Nov 08 2005

    As a nutcase liberal, I think there are far too few liberal groups that have the balls to kick ass like PETA does. Love 'em, hate 'em, they get a lot of attention. Keep flinging that red paint!

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    Wed Nov 02 2005

    Nothing beats a rich, thick, tasty burger. I'm definitely a member of PETA...People Eating Tasty Animals!

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    Thu Jun 02 2005

    Yet another group with pure origins that has slide into the sewer. I recall a letter written to my local paper about three years ago from a representative of PETA. The letter informed everyone of the cruelty involved in killing cockroaches, and advised ways to rid your home of cockroaches and prevent them from getting in if you had a cockroach problem without killing them. Now, I am all for the ethical treatment of animals. I hate to see it when someone mistreats a dog or starves a horse. That's not to say I'm a vegatarian, I'll eat a pig's butt if it's cooked right. Still, I won't mistreat an animal, even if I'm going to eat it later. But roaches? Step on the damn things!!

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    Sun May 15 2005

    Between 1998 and 2003 PETA killed 10,000 cats and dogs.Of the thousands of animals taken in, only 15% found homes.Talk about hypocritical,they took in 29 million in donations last year and then ethically killed all the cats and dogs.This group is a joke,sounds like the they are in it more for the loot than the animals.Any group that's spokesperson is Pam Anderson, I have trouble taking seriously.

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    Thu May 12 2005

    Damn NAZI bastards

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    Thu Apr 28 2005

    Any list where 1's and 5's predominate is interesting. (Somebody who gave cutegurl an unhelpful please explain your rationale) PETA activists used to spray red paint (signifying blood, on 5th Avenue in Manhattan, in the 1980's and early 1990's) on women's real furs, many costing thousands of dollars. Did these women somehow deserve to be vandalized because these people, who wouldn't hurt a fly, needed to make an example out of their extravagance? When the ELF activists break into a mink farm and free all of the minks, would you not consider that a terrorist act? Certainly it's a felony. Wait. I think you're going to do bad things with your money. I really believe it and you've done some bad things in the past. So, I'm going to break into your house and steal some of your money. I should be acquitted if caught, because I'm so sure you were going to do things that I politically disagree with with your money. But, I'm really a nice guy and I know you were going to do bad things... Read more

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    Wed Apr 27 2005

    Please explain this to me: The president of PETA is vehemently opposed to animal testing of any kind, as is the rest of the organization. Now, his father had cancer and recieved cemotherapy that had been tested on animals, which the president of PETA paid for. The chemotherapy saved the man's life. If this is not hypocrisy tell me what is. If we can save human lives and improve the standard of living for millions of people, quite frankly, who cares if some lab mice have to die. My grandmother was recently diagnosed with cancer and because of animal testing, she can recieve safe and effective treatment. Medical research never would have gotten as far as it has without animal testing. PETA can bite me.

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    Mon Apr 18 2005

    Please stay out of Alaska.

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    Fri Apr 08 2005

    ********Before I move on, I have to commend PBeavr on doing some research. However it is a stretch to say that PETA funds these organizations. As far as I know, they made a one-time donation to one of them of $1,500 in 2001, or something, which they admitted was a mistake. It surely is a mistake, as PETA is trying to advance understanding for their cause in the mainstream, mainly through leveraging the power of the consumer to influence corporations or other bodies and it certainly works against their interests to fund groups which use violence. However, organizations of this size attract all sorts of people, so I am sure that there is an overlap between members of PETA and members of these other organizations. And it is going to happen that a member of PETA is a member of another, more militant organization. Again, I refer to the analogy of the pro-life organizations and militants who would bomb abortion clinics. This happens all the time. I have spent years dealing with people within... Read more

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    Tue Apr 05 2005

    Who's version of Ethical are we useing? How about Please Eat Those Animals.

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    Tue Mar 15 2005

    i dont support their more overtly terroristic levels of protest(for that same reason i dont support organized religion or the established political order) but i do admire PETA's efforts to bring the abusive plights of animals to the stage. i would never suggest that people not eat meat. i understand how important it is for humans to exact their superiority over something they consider less than them. but i think the time has come to at least demand these farm factories be eliminated and that animals bred for consumption are given proper meal and allowed to roam free-range, instead of kept in cages. animal handlers should also be watched closely, filmed, and treated like murderous criminals when they: hang and skin cattle that are still alive, beat pigs and slit their throats when still alive, pluck feather for down coats from a still live goose, break the beaks off of living chickens, throwing the chickens against the wall and then beating them to death. it happens. but people would ra... Read more

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    Fri Feb 25 2005

    I have to admit that I was a PETA supporter, until I realized one day that PETA does not stand for Please Eat These Animals. Time to put on my leather shoes, fur coat, and rabbit fur lined gloves and go out for another burger (medium rare).

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    Mon Jan 24 2005

    7 Things You Didn't Know About PETA 1. PETA has stated repeatedly that their goal is total animal liberation. This means no pets, no meat, no milk, no zoos, no circuses, no fishing, no leather, and no animal testing for lifesaving medicines. 1 2. PETA has given tens of thousands of dollars to convicted arsonists and other violent criminals. 3. PETA funds the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine 3, an animal-rights organization that presents itself as an unbiased source for nutritional information and has links to a violent animal-rights group called SHAC. 4. PETA has used their contributors tax-exempt donations to fund the North American Earth Liberation front, an FBI-certified domestic terrorist group responsible for fire bombs and death threats. 5. PETA regularly targets kids as early as elementary school with anti-meat and anti-milk propaganda. 6. PETA spends less than one percent of its $13 million budget actually caring ... Read more

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    Tue Nov 23 2004

    One time I saw PETA people on the news pretending to be dead animals, covered in fake blood, rolling around on the ground,and screaming imcompetent remarks regarding animal rights. Its cool and all to be passionate about protecting animals, but there is a right way to do it and a wrong way. PETA went far beyond the wrong way and never looked back. I mean, harassing people because they choose to wear a mink coat is insane.

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    Tue Nov 23 2004

    Lighten up, PETA chicks were alterna-hot. They made great college conquests for political as well as sexual reasons. It was great to ask them if they wanted bacon in the morning. . .

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    Mon Nov 22 2004

    Chickens aren't domestic animals, IMO.

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    Mon Sep 27 2004

    PETA has its' heart in the right place, but how they act in absolutely unacceptable. They denounce violence but support the actions of those who terriorize and harass those who disagree with them. PETA MUST be stopped and in its place must be a animal organization that TRULEY cares about the animals and not the shock factor. *And bekind2animals: you are trying to do something that PETA attempts to do so often. That is, you try to say that those who expose PETA for what it really is are ignorant and immature, in hopes of discrediting them. Stop defending a radical terriorst group and stick up for the defenseless animals!

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    Fri Jun 18 2004

    The world is full of violence and death. PETA exists to raise awareness of non-violence and compassion for all living creatures, human and non-human. All of the negative comments about PETA proves that ignorance and immaturity is proliferating. How sad. Since non-human animals cannot protect themselves from torture, abuse, captivity, and cruelty, PETA is there to enlighten and educate us. I have met many people and have many friends who support PETA and other animal advocacy groups, and they are the most intelligent, compassionate, caring, and gentle people I have ever known. Please do not judge this organization until you've read about what PETA does to improve life on earth--for ALL of us. The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans anymore than black people were made for white or woman for man. ~Alice Walker

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    Thu Apr 29 2004

    A outright Anti-Semitic and Anti-Jewish group cause of Peta's Obsession with equating a chicken sandwich to Jews that were in camps in World War 2 and PETA and their obsession with comparing Chickens to Holocaust Victims sickens me and shows they are more Anti-Jewish than Pro-Animal Rights.

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    Wed Apr 14 2004

    Think with your heart. Put yourselves in the animals shoes. If we all would take ourselves back to kindergarten and live by the golden rule. Still not convinced. At least read this and try to understand our views.

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    Mon Mar 01 2004

    These people provide direct financial support to known domestic terrorist groups. They also never spend money on animals, just political lobbying. This is a terrible organization!

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    Fri Jan 23 2004

    PETA is tied for #2 on the list of annoying organizations, Aminals shouldn't be killed, for make-up products etc. but I think it is okay to test them for medical advancements. PETA goes to far, they are just like the ACLU Do what we want, or we'll see you in court

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    Fri Jan 23 2004

    I prefer to not give any group higher than 1 after comparing me, and billions of other people, to Nazi's. Shame on these sick fanatical freaks.

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    Tue Jan 13 2004

    Even though I don't always agree with their radical tactics, I do understand most of these people just have a drive and ambition to help animials, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Someone needs to look out for them, as they are hurt and killed daily by greedy and inhumane people. Groups like this are what America is all about. Be happy we can protest this kind of stuff.

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    Mon Jan 12 2004

    The funniest thing they did (or forgot to do) was register their domain name, so People Eating Tasty Animals got it first.

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    Tue Nov 25 2003

    PETA is probably the second worse organization in America right behind the ACLU. They always complain about animals being tourtured and the like. They say it is inhumane to milk cows. That right there takes the moron cake. I know not many people who have ever visited this site has milked a cow(I have neither but I have witnessed), but the cows enjoy it. It is not painful to them at all. In fact if you don't milk a cow, their udders will swell up and they will be in constant pain. Take that to the bank you PETA fruitcakes!

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    Mon Sep 15 2003

    I believe they are on the FBI's terrorist watchlist. With the new anti-terrorist laws on the books, some of these morons are headed for the big house. Let us hope.

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    Sun Aug 31 2003

    It's a good thing to help endangered animals like the great white shark and whales.....However, It is not good to compare people who eat meat to Nazis from the holocaust. PETA put up a mural and it displayed pictures of starving Jewish people in concentration camps to a starving cow. The graphic campaign and exhibit "Holocaust on Your Plate," devised by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, juxtaposes 60-square-foot panels displaying gruesome scenes from Nazi death camps side by side with disturbing photographs from factory farms and slaughterhouses. Grisham said the exhibit trivializes the horrors the Jewish people endured by comparing their suffering to the suffering of pigs and chickens.

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    Thu Jul 31 2003

    These freaks are insane. I'm not for any cruelty or torture to any animal but cmon, ever hear of the food chain? ita a balance between nature.

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    Sun Jul 06 2003

    Anyone who would mistreat a domesticated animal IS an animal.

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    Thu Jun 26 2003

    PETA supporter? If you are against animal testing, perhaps you should boycott all medications approved by the FDA. Lets see how serious you are about supporting groups like PETA when you health is on the line and your wellbeing comes at the expense of those cute little animals the group tries to protect. Animal testing is necessary. - E. Walsh, Biochemist

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    Tue Jun 03 2003

    Psycho animal zealots.They claim they're for the animals but they most likely drive a car and they write on paper.For those of you who don't know he chlorine used to bleach paper runs into the ocean and hurts marine life.As much as I don't like fur myself,I still disagree with the way they can mess with a rich woman who sports fur but not harass a biker with leather.