Oprah Winfrey
Approval Rate: 71%
Reviews 0
by henrytudor
Mon Mar 19 2012Oprah should have quit while she was ahead. Her head got bigger than Kim Kardashian's silicone gluteus maximums. She actually thought that the public wanted to watch 24hr Oprah infomercials and that constipated O'Donnell would save her network.
by hurrayforoprah
Sat Feb 26 2011I don't care who calls her a Cult leader and Diva, her daily Oprah show will be missed by millions of us loyal fans when it ends in September of this year. Oprah should be given a medal for 25 years of quality daytime programs. She is to be appreciated for avoiding those "I'm not your baby daddy" type formats. I think it's hilarious how no one criticized her until she came out in support of Candidate Obama before he won. Oprah admitted on her behind the scenes of the making of her year 25 Oprah show that she has been bi-partisan and has even voted Republican in the past. She stated she was not a loyalist to any particular party but voted for each candidate on their individual merit. She found George W. Bush more likable and promoted his new book recently. Is the real reason the Christian right is mad at Oprah is because she supported Obama because Oprah was always open in her religious views to all paths to God, why did it offend Christian blog Authors only recently, after all of ... Read more
by tjishappy
Mon Jan 31 2011The comment that Oprah is the Leader of the most successful Cults in America resonated and struck such a card with me. I could not miss the opportunity to chime in. I've prided myself with trying to mind my own business, except when it comes to me and mine. I generally don't give a rat-ass what some lame celebrity is doing most of the time. However, this changed when I met a gorgeous young chick, well-endowed like a goddess, never mind she was half my age, I was in love and hooked! I bought the ring and was ready to( permanently) make her my (3rd) wife. My business was doing well at that time and I didn't mind splurging on this girl and her whole blood sucking family. I bent over backwards to make her happy and boy did she do a lot of things that made me happy-(if you know what I mean). She rocked my world until Oprah rocked hers! She became obsessed with all things Oprah and The Oprah Show. I thought she was bored so sent her to Cosmetology School and invested a great deal of mo... Read more
by goforthegold
Mon Jan 31 2011This is Oprah's world she just lets everyone else live in it! She put the Pop in Pop Culture!
by leaveoprahalon_e
Sun Jan 30 2011All you folks calling Oprah a racist don't know what the hell you are talking about!! You should shut your ignorant ass mouths!! If you were to check out her "Season 25:Oprah Behind the Scenes" you would be able to see she has surrounded herself with a nearly all white staff of Producers. She has made every last one of them filthy rich for many years. If anything the NAACP should be asking her where's the black? She gave whites good jobs, unlike your race who gave us nothing but hell during slavery, you people's ancestors got free labor in which you have benefited from to this day!! Oprah has also put other white people like Dr. Phil and Suzie Orman on the map when no one knew who they were before that. Just shut up if you're gnorant little jealous haters! So the hell what if she supported one black man for President. How many other white folks did she support, endorse and make famous from book promotions, endorsements and giving them their own Shows? Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz would h... Read more
by tooclassy
Fri Jan 28 2011Oprah revealed a family secret last week. She waited because her show was closed for the Holidays in Dec. and her other previously produced shows were already set to air. She said knew about this family secret since before Thanksgiving. The secret was that Oprah's mother put a baby daughter up for adoption when Oprah was 9yrs old and living with her father (never married to her mother) in another city. This new found sister Patricia shares the same first name (Patricia), as Oprah's sister that died a few years ago. I had no idea Oprah's younger adult half brother and half sister (from her mother) were both now deceased. Oprah has had her share of family tragedies and for her to discover she is not the only living child in her immediate family must have been a real shock. Putting high rating aside, this was shocking news for Oprah and us fans. We love the fact that Oprah now has a loyal, classy sister and has another lovely niece and handsome nephew. Her deceased sister also h... Read more
by dforce3
Thu Jan 06 2011Will she ever fade away? Dear Jesus when will her fifteen minutes of fame be up?? It has turned into hours and hours and hours of fame. Her head keeps swelling bigger and bigger and bigger! She is beginning to think she is God! When talking about the Laws of Atttraction book she actually sounded like she took credit for Obama getting elected. Said she imagined him in the White House. Her imagination could get dangerous. Jesus please make her fade away into ordinary! Enough with this faze called Oprah!
by dubbers
Thu Jun 17 2010Not one of my most favorite people in the world.
by keepingit4real
Mon Jun 07 2010It is her show so she can promote whomever she wishes, even Obama. I don't have a problem with her in that regard. Just like with Limbo people who don't like it they can pick up their remotes and turn the channel. As far as my opinion of Ms O. her glory years have passed and she has out stayed her welcome like a irritating house guest. She will see how fast she will be forgotten when her floundering show ends. She will be forgotten quicker than you can say egomaniac bitch. Never take public opinion seriously it turns on an off like a water faucet. Someone should tell beloved celebrities don't take your fame so seriously and think you are that important. With the public you can be loved today then hated tomorrow!
by konarose
Tue Apr 20 2010Concerned - Has anyone else noticed that over the last few years Oprah has become more ... for lack of a better word, 'cocky?' What I mean is that her opinions are getting further 'out there.' Her 'everything happens for a reason' mantra - as she says all the time, s-l-o-w-l-y, as if it must help her understand her success despite the abuse of her early life? So all of those who have been raped, (including little children), murdered, blown up, dismembered, suffocated and thrown in a river, beaten until broken/bloody/unconscious/dead - EVERYTHING is 'for a reason?' Oprah, WHAT IS THIS 'REASON?' If you don't mean this, why not clarify your mantra???? I mean, are you referring to success? Because you surely cannot mean all the cruelty going on around the planet. I used to really enjoying watching Oprah. But after she kept dismissing people's experiences as 'there is a reason why everything happens' has turned me off. And in her mind, her opinion is the only one that is accurate. Howe... Read more
by assets34
Thu Mar 18 2010You are not god Oprah. Please shut the F up.
by lix0d3d3
Sun Jan 24 2010She should have stuck to carting her fat on and off stage. After a series of bad interviews/moves/choices.... such as not being open to interviewing Sarah Palin, to promoting books of liars, pushing forth health/lifestyle gur-types with little to know real credentials, to the issue of abuse at her school in Africa... to supporting Obama... it's no wonder she's going off the air. It's also my opinion that she's racist and this stems from her time sitting in the same racist, anti-white pews as Obama all those years ago... well, up until she, like Obama, realised that it could hurt their aspirations and pocket book. After he loses the next election Oprah will hire him to be her community organizer and you'll see him giving backyard tours of her Washington residence.
by jay001
Sun Jun 21 2009Oprah tells women what they want to hear - who wouldn't appreciate that? Now she's feeding the world her opinions on politics and religion - spiritual guru? Oprah believes no religion is false, your good is just as good as someone else's. Well tell that to Hitler whom obviously thought his deeds were 'good'. Or those who'd kill you for stealing from them - rob from you because they're hungry, etc. etc. Matter of fact, why send a woman to jail if she thought killing her husband was the right thing to do? It was part of her religion. Seriously though... Someone has to draw the line here, and we're letting a billion dollar rich woman living large tell you how to live? Perhaps I'd have more respect for her if she CHOSE to live average and donated everything else to charity in America. Perhaps I'd respect her if she asked questions and decided to look for the answer, rather than making up her own belief system (without a clear understanding of what Christianity really is). She's... Read more
by kattwoman
Thu Jun 11 2009I think she's overrated but don't get me wrong I think she does her job well. It just doesn't bother me if I see her show or not.
by quarterhorse51
Mon May 11 2009Oprah is misleading people with her erroneous beliefs on theology. She seems friendly enough, but is largely responsible for electing the high tax Socialist President we now have in Washington.
by starbrst34
Fri Jan 23 2009Oprah is so full of herself that its sickening. She preaches and her groupy followers take all that she says as gospel. She can more then afford anything that she gives, but unlike others who do genuinely have their hearts in doing and giving to those less fortunate she turns everything into a huge publicity stunt for herself. She should be given the "Drama Queen of the Year" award for the exhibition that she displayed before the election and afterwards. I mean really, how many of you latched onto a complete stranger like she did to that man and carried on like she did? Geez! She's a self absorbed individual and how anyone can stand to watch her is beyond me. There was a time that she was worth the time of day, but that time is long gone and never to be seen again.
by greta50
Sun Dec 14 2008The only reason she supported Barrack Hussein Obama running for the office of POTUS, because of his black roots. She has no loyalties to this country or the American people, otherwise she would donate some the money she makes of off the backs of the citizen of the US here at home instead of taken it to her beloved motherland so to say, which is Africa. If she loves Africa so much let her move there. Charity begins at home Oprah not abroad, there are enough children in this country deserving of such large $$$ amounts. To me she is just another Kool-Aid drinking liberal believing everything Obama says.
by kitty77
Tue Oct 28 2008I used to like her, but I can't stand her now-just another Kool-Aid drinking liberal believing everything Obama says. I have no use for her after all her trying to get Obama elected and won't give the time of day to Governor Palin. Plus, Oprah has gotten to be way too self-important and has lost touch with the little people since she's so over the top wealthy now.
by lynxsquadron45
by rgiue307
Mon Oct 20 2008I respected Oprah until she showed her political "side".! I will no longer be watching her show
by kyotoe27
Sat Sep 13 2008Icon!
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Mon Sep 08 2008I do disagree with her on a lot of different aspects, but as far as refusing to have Sarah Palin on her show, that's her right.
by callitdownthel_ine75
Mon Sep 08 2008I actually agree with Oprah Winfrey in that why should anyone or any group force her to interview Sarah Palin if she doesn't want to? Maybe Sarah Palin isn't interesting enough for her to interview, but then again: it is her show. And political or not, Oprah should be free to call her shots and do what she thinks she ought to do. However, let's not pretend like we don't know where she stands on the political spectrum, as well as who she will support in the upcoming Presidential election. Nevertheless, no one ought to force Oprah to do what she doesn't want to do.
by no_te_veochet_nice
Sun Aug 17 2008I wish she would go away.
by elaine101
Tue Jul 29 2008She has become WAY to full of herself. I banned her after the ridiculous show with a psychiatrist that claimed he could hypnotize people and they could find out about their past lives. Oprah said she was afraid to be hypnotized because who new how many past lives she had. How can she call herself a Chrisitian and spout this new age ideology and believe that she has many past lives. As filthy rich as she is I almost feel sorry for her, I believe she used to be generally sincere but I think she glorifies herself and has separated herself from God. In the end, money isn't what matters.
by fireflyy
Thu Jun 19 2008Oprah WAS great -until she walked into the political arena. Oprah didn't get her start by a socialist society. Oprah got her start because she was a talented, driven and hard working woman. Socialists expect everone to be on an equal playing field - even a monetary one. I suggest Oprah give every dime she earned to the government - or better yet - share every dime she earned with those who "worship" her. After all, us other woman out there aren't capable of doing it on our own - we need government hand-outs - and Oprah's contribution too! Like I said - she started out great. But now she is nothing but a political mouthpiece for all her sheep.
by iwoot648
Wed Feb 06 2008She has changed a lot, but shes nice and helps people
by ben999
Thu Jan 10 2008I dont see why she is so popular. I could do what she does
by cumwhorees
Fri Dec 28 2007[email protected] shes BLACK
by crowncourtking
Sat Dec 08 2007[email protected] love her
by blueorchid
Wed Dec 05 2007She is like the spiritual guru of talkshow hosts and she seems to be trying to buy her way into heaven because of all of the giveaways the holds each year, in fact several times per year. She definitely needs to try and live as an average hard working American. Her sufficient wealth is insane and I agree with others, she DOES need to make a significantly HUGE donation in order to make a dent in her wealth. If all of the celebrities did that then we would have probably found help for other countries she seems to concerned about and even diseases she talks about on her show. It's not fair to be a hard working American and see someone on the television who gives gifts to her studio audience and not to the world. It's all materialistic, which is very reminiscent of Christmas. Don't get me wrong, she seems like a nice lady, but it's just the small faults that seem so big.However, I enjoyed her challenge for people to take money given to them from Oprah and to give it to someone else who nee... Read more
by exoticsarah
Tue May 29 2007Oprah Winfrey is an amazing talk show host on quite a few wavelengths. She has proved that working hard eventually pays off for the average status quo citizen. She has managed to use her voice for the right reason and apply her voice to a higher purpose. Despite any criticism or adversity she faces, she manages to prove she will not be thrown into the stereotype. I definitely believe she is someone who should be appreciated, respected, and commended for being who she is, an internationally known talk show host who has brought something new to entertainment.
by mikeccpp
Sat May 26 2007yuk!
by randyman
Sat May 26 2007I don't dislike her. She really is a good talk show host, but in the last few years she has taken on the persona of a spiritual guru. I have a hard time with people who start believing their own press. I liked her better when she was a little more down to earth.
by schadenfreudia_nslip
Mon May 21 2007Cross-reference the topic "Retire Already." There are people who are so pursued by their demons that they can never put it to rest...woe be to the rest of us while those types rip us new a-holes with their psychotic energy, propelled by subconscious fear. That'll be $200 dollars, Big O, make check payable to Dr. S.
by marlane
Wed Apr 25 2007Had to change my opinion of Oprah when I saw a TV clip of how she helped promote the war with Iraq and dismissed one audience member who dared to question the flawed data Oprah and her panel were presenting as fact. I don't mind that she was misinformed, but I can't stand that she was so closed-minded toward a disenting view.
by eastcoaster
Sun Apr 22 2007i think shes gotten too big for her britches...i agree with the people who said she acts like shes a "spiritual guru" shes a talk show host with a lot of money. it doesnt make her more knowledgeable about certain subjects, or any kind of an expert..on anything for that matter. she doesnt have a ph.d or a specific expertise. and shes definitely not better than anyone else. she just has tons of money and was lucky enough to have a show that stayed popular....for whatever reason. she was very lucky, like most celebrities..(luck and being in the right place at the right time and not talent has too make up for about 80% of all famous people)...and although she donates and is involved in charities...until she does something (donates) that actually puts a dent in her fortune, i dont think her efforts should be considered so commendable. yeah she donates a ton, but thats like one of us average working class giving $10.00. its nothing for her. what it costs her to fuel her private jet and send ... Read more
by sac7232
Wed Feb 14 2007I have been on her over-orchestrated show in the audience. It is insulting how they arrange the audience by your looks and what "looks" she wants to show up as the audience is panned, even to the point of re-arranging people for different takes, depending on if she is going to sit in the audience. She behaved like a spoiled pampered brat between takes, with problems with her shoes and staff having to put house slippers on her like she was some queen or something.
by victor83
Wed Feb 14 2007This woman is a male-bashing moron with a microphone.
by rschonfeld
Thu Jan 25 2007What can one add about an insitution? Maybe SHE should be the next President!